Quote Originally Posted by Cangooner View Post
Which, unless there is a more accessible test, means there is effectively no way for folks like us to know whether it is pre or post ban.

I fully realize that I personally won't bring the international ivory trade to its knees by not participating, but since I much prefer seeing ivory in its original form still attached to an elephant, I *personally* choose to have nothing to do with the stuff. As long as ivory, be it pre-ban or post-ban, is coveted in the marketplace, it will be poached. So I choose not to partake. I personally want nothing to do with anything that will - however tangentially - support a practice that I abhor.

All of which I realize ultimately means little in the grand scheme of things other than me not competing with you guys on ebay for ivory-scaled razors. But it makes me feel better.
Some sanity has to prevail here,read and understand the laws.I have over past couple yrs posted all the links to all the laws and regulations,am not doing that anymore.
An Elephant that was killed 90 yrs ago,is of no matter,it was 100% legal and the tusks are 100% legal and traded every day in this country.
I used to buy Ivory Billiard balls to turn brush handles,these were 100++ plus yrs old,do you have an issue with that??
Wood products such as lignum (the real deal) Ebony,some dalbergias,some Rosewoods are today banned from import and are not legal to even buy unless they are in this country at this time.
The martin Guitar company was told to cease and desist from importing exotic woods by the feds two yrs ago
, you do not like the new rules,move your company to China.
What is here in the U.S. at this time is legal,Killing animals today should be banned,agreed 100%