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  1. #1
    Senior Member JSmith1983's Avatar
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    Default Blade Centering Question

    I made a set of scales and the razor that I am going to put in them has a slight warp in the spine. The blade will close center, but once it gets about half way into the scales it shifts to one side alittle. Not really a big deal since it doesn't hinder the function any, but it is annoying me. Usually when something like this happens I would work the inside of the scales, but these ones have a metal liner so can't really do anything there. I was able to make it shift less by using the thicker washers from microfasteners on one side and one of the original, thinners washers on the other side. I don't really like that idea even though its not that noticeable unless your looking for it, but I know its there. I really don't have confidence in myself to try and straighten the spine so was wondering if anyone has any ideas or is the two different washers enough. I don't have the camera here to take pictures to show what I am talking about so I am hoping that I made it sound clear. I am having the feeling that I am just going to have to deal with it.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    If she closes dead center, at the beginning,if the spine is warped,is nothing you can do but live with it, IMO ,moveing washers around will not fix anything.

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