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Thread: Ed Wusthof model 716 Tridente Eleganza

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Ed Wusthof model 716 Tridente Eleganza

    Hi all

    I have recently purchased an amazing Ed Wusthof Tridente.
    Basically the razor came in the original box and even the box itself is in like new condition.
    The razor has never been used and never been sharpen.
    I have never dealt which such an amazing piece and to be honest I do not want to start polishing the blade without some feedback from some of the experienced members.There are a few parts of the blade where I think a bit of polishing will remove the black spots.Now I have uploaded some pictures with the razor and I have some questions .
    On the tang as you can see in the pictures there is a bit of rust and some black thing which I can only think is a kind of adhesive paste.
    My question to you is :should I take it apart and clean it properly or not ?

    Thanks for reading,
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    Last edited by emiliofragiacomo; 06-04-2013 at 08:25 PM.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    In a word,NO
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  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Just in case you need a second opinion, No. Just too nice a razor to monkey with.

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    Life is a terminal illness in the end

  4. #4
    Senior Member Jonah's Avatar
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    The face of the blade looks pristine and I wouldn't lay a finger on it. In my uneducated opinion, you could probably get some Mothers on a cotton swab and work it going away from the blade just so you don't slip and get it on the wash. Wonderful find you got there.
    JimmyHAD:My wife told me if I bought another razor she would leave me ........ and I miss her sometimes......

  5. #5
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    Thanks all for your replays .
    There are a few dark spots on the blade as you can see on the second picture and there is also a bit of pitting right at the top of the point/tip that feels really coarse hope is not deep pitting under it.
    I was going to use some 1500-2000 grit sandpaper on the top of the tip to see if I can remove that dark coarse patch.And for the blade I have some micro mesh in 8k and 12k grit.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Jonah's Avatar
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    If there is pitting, fine grade sandpaper won't remove it. If you have great aim (again, I would use a cotton swab) you might be able to remove some of the discoloration. From what others have told me, sandpaper really should be a last resort. Once you start taking of metal, even minute amounts, you can't get it back on there.
    JimmyHAD:My wife told me if I bought another razor she would leave me ........ and I miss her sometimes......

  7. #7
    Senior Member tiddle's Avatar
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    Flitz or MAAS will help with the black stuff, but BE CAREFUL AROUND THE GOLD!!!!!!!! Any metal polish not intended for gold plating will pull it right off in a hurry! As far as the rust, metal polish and a stiff tooth brush would be all I would do.
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