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  1. #1
    Senior Member miha's Avatar
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    Default Srews for razors

    Hey there,

    I asked this question in the gallery post and since I got no relpy I figured I might as well try here where I should ask the question in the first place...

    so far I used hex-head inox screws for my restorations (not that there were many anyways )
    like this one here
    Name:  131992d1370207964-black-devil-mertens-heider-2013-05-razor03-mihacrni.jpg
Views: 310
Size:  35.9 KB

    since there were quite some comments due to the screws I thought of trying to get the ones people usually use from eg microfasteners

    the problem is that (regardless to the fact I read the stickies and forum posts about these) I am not sure what the principle of these screws actually is..

    if you look at the pic below you can see that in the A case the axle has thread and the outer parts serve as a kind of caps (so the same principle as I use), where as in the B case the axle is a tube with inner thread and the outer screws screw in the tube

    Name:  132012d1370255489-black-devil-mertens-heider-screwsys.jpg
Views: 307
Size:  21.8 KB

    from what I understood the second (B) case is usually used with screws (please coreect me if I'm wrong).

    Now if the second one is used, I have another few (questions) for you:
    - what size has the pivot hole have to be (I'm guessing it has to be widen, the blades I had sofar had approximately 2 mm (app 5/64) pivot hole )
    - what are the screws (cap and tube) I should get at microfasteners, so far I found this one (click) but wasn't able to find the "tube/axel" part (the parts posted in the sticky thread "here" are outdated, since the store changed site's architecture and products codes?)
    - I would like to use torx (6-star) or allen screws, but from what I can se from the picture at microfasteners that screw uses a "5-star" key?

    I hope my questions were clear enough since I don't really know the expressions for these


  2. #2
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Then here

    Where to find those Hexhead custom screws

    that should give you a start

  3. #3
    Senior Member miha's Avatar
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    hey Glen thanks for your relpy, I checked the links you posted (again),

    If I understand correctly the blade HAS TO BE drilled in order to use the screws (I am talking about classical "solingen" 5/8 or 6/8 blade)?

    I am a little confused though, if you use a sleeve when pinning (when one has to reduce too big pivot hole) this actually works as a sleeve bearing (where sleeve can be even attached to the blade), but if you use screws with a barrel this should act as a fixed axle, meaning there should not be too much of a fit between the blade and a barrel?

    I noticed there are 2 ways of doing this (as Maximilian explained here):
    1. "Butch's way" where one uses barrel that goes through the scales and is just a little shorter than the width of the razor, so that you can tighten the pivot, but here the blade has to be rather straight as you can't compensate much
    2. "Maximilian way" where barrel had to be even with the tang (or optionally just a bit wider to make up for the spacer) and the screws go in from both sides (isn't there too "small amount" of a thread for both screws to get a firm gold within a tang width). If I understand correctly the blade has to be able to move around the barrel ?

    I managed to find this "kit"s (am struggling with US units, this (click) helps a bit )

    Pivot 1/8" x .437"L Barrel with 2ea 2-56 x 1/4" Button Head screws

    .125 (1/8) Pivot Barrels - (.50) - w/2-56 BHT 1/4 Screws

    these ones maybe..
    Pivot Barrel 1/8" x 5/16" for folders with (2) 2-56 x 1/4 BH SS

    or which ones out of these ones would be ideal to get?

    I managed to find these screws (click) but am not sure there are matching barrels?

    I checked microfasteners again, but can't seem to find barrels at all, can they be found at microfasteners (searched, barrel, tube, pivot, etc but found nothing)

    I know it must be a pain for you to read this ongoing long story of mine, but can anybody be such a nice guy and paste some links to the actual screws and barrels one should get or even a packages of more (like microfasteners has screws in packages of eg 20).

    Thanks and hope I'll comprehend this soon because it's getting frustrating (for me and for the readers as well I would say )
    Last edited by miha; 06-05-2013 at 08:21 PM.

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