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  1. #1
    Senior Member OrSh's Avatar
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    Default Yes, its just another "restoring etched razor" thread

    OK I've searched around but the only tips I've found about preserving the etching were for blades with specific areas of etching. The blade of this French razor is all covered with frosted (I think it's called like this) layer and I'm afraid that cleaning it with Mother's will just take away all the of it.

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    Name:  Photo-19-06-13-12-42-23.jpg
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  2. #2
    The First Cut is the Deepest! Magpie's Avatar
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    Unfortunately, the more you polish, the less etch you will have. the frosting is an actual texture to the steel, and as you rub, it becomes smooth like the words, and they all start to blend together. I don't think anybody has ever come up with a solution. =(

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