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  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Do you really have to do it yourself? Not to dissuade you but I am not sure I detect much enthusiasm, and without it - the task would probably be harder...

    Just a friendly reminder that there are a number of people who can do it for you.


  2. #12
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    It's not that I lack entusiasm...more that I lack time. I'm working 6 days a week and with the shift I'm on it makes it really hard to get anything done since I get off after the days over and sleep most of the day away. Plus I've got hardly any idea at all how to go about any of this, and to be honest I haven't got the kind of money it would cost to have someone make the scales for me.

  3. #13
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gawker View Post
    Yeah I'd like to save the bolsters but to be totally honest I wouldn't have a clue as to how to go about ironing the bastards out again and getting all the little bends and stuff out of them so they'd look presentable on the final product.
    Vlad pulled this trick off extrememly well. you might want to PM or email him about it. Stunningly good result.


  4. #14
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    Thanks for the tip, PM sent. I'm bidding on a razor currently (ending tonight) and another that ends in a few days and once I've either won or lost those (so I know what kind of cash I have to work with) I'll be ordering my materials and gathering together supplies to start working on this. Hell if nothing else I'll spend 30 minutes a day on it until I get them finished.

  5. #15
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gawker View Post
    Thanks for the tip, PM sent. I'm bidding on a razor currently (ending tonight) and another that ends in a few days and once I've either won or lost those (so I know what kind of cash I have to work with) I'll be ordering my materials and gathering together supplies to start working on this. Hell if nothing else I'll spend 30 minutes a day on it until I get them finished.
    Does your wife know that you are on a spending spree?

  6. #16
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    Actually yes, though it's high time I stop, I still have to pay you Plus the wife and I made an offer on a house today as we're trying to buy our first home now that our debts are paid and our daughter has been born. I won another razor tonight (higher than I would have liked but within my limits) and I've got one more with money riding on it that ends in a couple of days. Then I pay you, and buy some stuff to start restoring this bad boy and I'll be set for a while. I'll have 3 shaving razors to rotate once I get those two back from you and the others will give me something to do instead of spending money on more razors The general sub forum has a thread with pics of the new acquisitions.

    Everyone wish us luck on this house, we really like it

  7. #17
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gawker View Post
    Actually yes, though it's high time I stop, I still have to pay you Plus the wife and I made an offer on a house today as we're trying to buy our first home now that our debts are paid and our daughter has been born. I won another razor tonight (higher than I would have liked but within my limits) and I've got one more with money riding on it that ends in a couple of days. Then I pay you, and buy some stuff to start restoring this bad boy and I'll be set for a while. I'll have 3 shaving razors to rotate once I get those two back from you and the others will give me something to do instead of spending money on more razors The general sub forum has a thread with pics of the new acquisitions.

    Everyone wish us luck on this house, we really like it
    Toy toy and break a leg (figuratively )

  8. #18
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    So I still haven't heard from Vlad, seems he's not very active around here anymore. I may just have to try a few things on my own, I'm thinking warming them up a little bit and tapping them out gently with a rubber mallet on a flat surface would kinda help iron out any wrinkles and then maybe I could hand form them to the scales once they were flat. Bend them a little farther than the scales are round and they will sit tight against them once they are pinned in place.

    Another 3 days 10 minutes and I'll be able to order my stuff for this project. I'm still trying to decide what to do about a spacer but I've kinda got an idea floating around in my head that I think will be pretty slick. The downside of this is I'll be building this razor to MY tastes and I have a feeling I'm going to get a lot of you guys asking what the hell is wrong with me once it's finished...

  9. #19
    Plays with Fire C utz's Avatar
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    I've removed brass inlay's before by heating the scales with a hairdryer and then bending the scales 'away' from the inlay. When it sticks out you should be able to grab them off with a pair of tweezers.

    The tricky part is, you'll run out of hand heating, one hand bending, who's grabin' the inlay?!

    Good luck!

    C utz

  10. #20
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    I think the removal will be easy, considering there are plenty of places where the "inlays" aren't even contacting the scale from having been bent away from them. I will remember the heat idea though in case it turns out to be a sticky widget. The thing that gets me is how to go about ironing them back out flat to work out the wrinkles from having been bent.

    I was thinking a good rubber mallet and either a plywood backdrop or maybe something a little more giving might yield some satisfactory results. All I need to do NOW is get off my ass and order the materials. I think I'm going to go ahead with the carbon fiber idea sans respirator. I just can't see purchasing one right now, so I'll just keep everything plenty wet to keep the dust down. I'm sure hand sanding it will be a mother, but since I need to consider the health hazards I figure it'll be the best option.

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