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Thread: From the grinder to the hone?

  1. #21
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    I've only been here a few days, and honestly everyone so far has been exceptional. Honestly it has made me even more excited about not only making a straight but using and just the idea of straight razors. I can see why people get so "fanatic" about it, I'm well on my way.

  2. #22
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    Just wanted to give a bit of an update- When I made the blade for this razor I did another simultaneously (which is picture below). The original one I'm going to do my first initial testing and will probably get beat up quite a bit. Then the second one is going to be sent out to HNSB (who I couldn't me more grateful to) and he's going to let me know if I have something that's worth being called a razor and let me know how everything turned out.

    I'm receiving my stones today, and I'm going to be doing my darnedest to get good bevels and see how well I can get them to act like an actual razor. My goal is to get the bevel very close with the 220 then take it back to the grinder as necessary (thanks to cudarunner for pulling up that video from Lewisrazors, gave me some good ideas). Then take it to the 1k to set the final bevel and see if I can get an acceptable shave of them. I may if things go well take them to the 4k/8k and see where I stand.

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    Thanks for any comments/tips/suggestions!
    skipnord likes this.

  3. #23
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    I’m glad that your hones are arriving, however they will need lapped. Have you purchased a DMT 325 and stone holders also?

    If not you’re not ready to start honing.

    If you remember in the Lewis Razors video he was using the DMT 325 to check if he needed to go back to grinding.

    ‘Presuming’ that you haven’t lapped your stones, here’s a well done video about how to do it!

    gssixgun Norton 4k 8k Lapping - YouTube

    I’m only trying to help!!!

    By the way, it looks like you are going in the right direction; your background seems to be a wealth of experience that will help you make some fantastic razors!!!

    I’d like to be your first customer!

  • #24
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    Well I didn't get a DMT 325 (I think will be my next purchase for a couple of reasons. But I have the Norton flattening stone. And boy did they need it! Took me a little while to get the 220/1000 flat, haven't even touched the 4/8.

    Started setting the bevel on one last night, its almost there about 2/3 of the edge is where I think it should be with the TNT. I have a morning full of honing ahead of me!


    I got it to the point where on the 1k it passes the TNT completely and shaves arm hair easily, and above the skin slighty, but I can't seem to get it much sharper. I'm following all the "circle, x strokes med through to no pressure", but I feel it should be sharper, if guys can shave off of 1k. Or is that because of the stropping done after?

    Should I be able to get a better edge with the 1k or is this just about as good as it gets and its time to move up?
    Last edited by wynndow; 07-13-2013 at 04:48 PM.

  • #25
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    What I do is as I get to higher grits, I carefully grind near the edge until the edge is sharp enough to pass the thumbnail test.
    That way I know I won't have to do too much honing, and I have a reasonable expectation that the bevels will remain narrow.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  • #26
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wynndow View Post
    I got it to the point where on the 1k it passes the TNT completely and shaves arm hair easily, and above the skin slighty, but I can't seem to get it much sharper. I'm following all the "circle, x strokes med through to no pressure", but I feel it should be sharper, if guys can shave off of 1k. Or is that because of the stropping done after?

    Should I be able to get a better edge with the 1k or is this just about as good as it gets and its time to move up?
    No that is about the expectation for a 1K edge. At this point I use a 4K 8K combination stone using a number of 'pyramid' sequences until the razor passes the thumb pad test or the haning hair test or whichever test you prefer at that stage. You've maxed out on where you can get with a 1K stone.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  • #27
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    Beautiful! Thanks for the confirmation and tip on grinding.

  • #28
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    Success! Had my first shave this morning, and it was quite comfortable I must say. Could have gotten a little cleaner of one, but I think that was do to my inexperience/lather/ambient room temperatures(?)

    Thank you all!

  • #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by wynndow View Post
    I saw a video somewhere that a fellow used a radio shack cheapo microscope to look at his bevels, would this be worth it?
    I'm not even knowledgeable enough to be considered a novice. However I've read some threads where they will use a jewelers loupe, how that helps. As you probably have already figured out the guys and gals here are awesome and very knowledgeable! I've even run across some sites that sell straight shaving supplies that sell jewelers loupe.

  • #30
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    I did end up getting one, but it is too powerful 60x-100x but it was all they had and $12. But it did help me see how deep 1k scratches are and see burrs and the like. But its very difficult to see the edge/bevel vertically.

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