I have had many long conversations with our friends down at the Japan Woodworker (since my sailboat is 100 yds from their door).

They really push the sandpaper on flat granite or glass approach for plane irons and chisels--woodworking tools. I think others call it the "Scary Sharp" method.

The 325 DMT is nice, but it degrades. No matter what they say, they loose significant agressiveness over time.

Also, I still have concerns over the DMT's uniformity. It produces little scratch marks and BIG scratch marks.

My next restoration experiment will be sandpaper on glass.

Anyway, MUCHO thanks to Tim Zowada for this excellent string and the double bevel idea.

I just did a silver steel full wedge and created a secondary bevel that can only be seen at 100X, and the results are unbelieveable. I have *never* been able to get this thing to shave, and it is shaving nicely now.


Paul Houtz