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  1. #11
    Senior Member khaos's Avatar
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    Yes. I have owned, oh, 6 swatys, and there is a thread on swaty provenance (titled similarly) discussing this. The "real" 3-line says literally:
    Franz Swaty
    Wahring bei Wien
    on three lines and was based in Wahring bei Wien (duh).

    They moved to Marburg Austria, and it became the two line:
    Franz Swaty
    Marburg Austria.

    Due to Politics, Marburg Austria became Maribor Yugoslavia hence:
    Franz Swaty
    Maribor Yugoslavia
    (some varianrs actually include the statement "formerly Marburg Austria" or something)
    The Yugo hones are in 2-line and 4-line variants.

    Finally, Pike eventually bought them or the rights and began producing an American hone titled literally "The 3-line Franz Swaty Barber Hone". People muse this might be an advertising scam in response to demands for the "real" 3-line hones.

    The WbW 3-liners are fine touch up hones, the Pike 3-liners are the coarser ones, if knowledge serves. From experience they are all quite fast, and both Austria hones (2-line and 3-line) will eventually set a bevel as well (100's of laps though). Since I bought real hones I have never attempted that again, and have sold all but my favourite which I now use in its intended role for touching up razors.

    Edit: to clarify, I am saying all CAN be used with enough pressure and time- but the one that says literally "3-line" on it is very coarse (4k) and the one that says Franz Swaty Wahring bei Wien Austria (that we call three line) is very smooth (10k).
    Last edited by khaos; 12-12-2009 at 07:45 PM.

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