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Thread: Damn paypal

  1. #1
    Senior Member Baxxer's Avatar
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    Default Damn paypal

    Last week I saw a nice Japanese Western on Ebay.
    It was a short blade with a 13/16 blade width and a shoulderless grind, it was in great shape and it had a BIN that wasn't as overpriced as a lot of the nicer JWs usually are, basically it was exactly the razor I've been waiting for.

    So I transferred some money into my paypal account so I could buy it and I've been waiting for it to clear since then.

    I got home today and checked my paypal to see if the money had cleared yet... Nope.

    And then I went to check that the razor was still there for the hundredth time since I first saw it... nope, someone already bought it.
    I guess I have to wait until I find another nice Japanese Western(shortie preferably) for a price that I might actually consider paying.

    I know I'm just whining and the other guy did buy it fair and square(if you read this, please take care of it and I have no hard feelings against you) but I wanted to get it off my chest.
    Last edited by Baxxer; 08-18-2014 at 05:28 PM.
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  2. #2
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Whine away brother, whine away.

    All I'll say is, vendors who require paypal don't get any business from me. . I have saved so much money not shopping on eBay lol - I can't even start to tell you lol.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member Baxxer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by earcutter View Post
    My wallet is probably thrilled that I didn't get to buy yet another razor but my head works on a different type of logic.

    And luckily not a lot of the members on our local tradera require paypal so I'm rarely forced to use it when I give in to RAD
    Last edited by Baxxer; 08-18-2014 at 05:34 PM.

  4. #4
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    One way is to link a checking account to your paypal, problem solved.
    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shooter74743 View Post
    One way is to link a checking account to your paypal, problem solved.
    Or I think you can pay by card through paypal
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  6. #6
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shooter74743 View Post
    One way is to link a checking account to your paypal, problem solved.
    That's how mine is set. Thought it would make things easier, and it does... Until it doesn't lol!!

  7. #7
    Senior Member Dzanda's Avatar
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    I had a similar problem earlier this year; turned out the problem was at the vendor's end. The message that both of us saw was something like, "Payment waiting to clear"...not a particularly helpful notification! I cancelled the original transaction, and paid again...with the same result. If I recall correctly, he hadn't verified his PayPal account in quite a while, so it had been disabled. Once he reactivated his account, the payment went through.
    Baxxer and earcutter like this.
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  8. #8
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Both ebay and paypal want to take your money because they get a commission. At least with US accounts you could have several funding sources like bank account, credit card, debit card linked to your account and you could select the money to come from one of them when making a payment.
    With some of them the transfer is instant, with some it needs to clear, but ebay should count the item as purchased if the payment is made.

    It is quite possible that ebay would block payments that are not instant, so you may have to first have funds transferred from your bank account to paypal where they are available for instant payments.

    On the plus side there is always another razor.
    sharptonn and Baxxer like this.

  9. #9
    Senior Member guitstik's Avatar
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    My account is linked but I also have a PayPal credit line available to me for when I just HAVE to have a certain item.
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    SRP. Where the Wits aren't always as sharp as the Razors

  10. #10
    Senior Member Baxxer's Avatar
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    Default Seems like there'll be a happy ending for me after all.

    I got a message today from RoyalCake giving me a tip about another razor that might interest me(thanks again by the way) and to my surprise it was the same razor(well, at least the pictures and description were the same), I'm guessing that the other guy changed his mind and the seller re-listed it.

    I pressed "buy" almost as soon as I had clicked the link and transferred the money to the seller.

    Now I'll just have to wait for it to arrive.

    Here's one of the seller's pics.

    Name:  YyUVTYe.jpg
Views: 203
Size:  18.8 KB

    Btw I saw today that the seller has another on like it(with different pics) up for auction, I can pm the link to those interested.

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