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Thread: I don't get it

  1. #1
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Default I don't get it

    Asked some questions about a razor today on the bay, and I got an answer, but I needed clarification. And the response I got blew me away...
    ive never tried to jerk anyone around or try to find an issue just ask questions.
    They came back with a second response telling me that "I seem like the type of person who just looks for issues so do me a favor and don't bid..."
    Really? I never have had a response that was so rude. I was just asking if the blade had been buffed on a machine or by hand, andI asked if the blade was warpped, because it looked like it might be, it could have just been the angle of the pic for all I know, it's not like I have it my hand. It sucks that they had this attitude it was a razor that had a different grind than I have seen on this particular brand. Do many of you run into people selling that have this attitude? I'm not on the bay much.

  2. #2
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    I have bought a handful now and each time I have contacted a seller for information or additional pics they have been very accommodating. I usually preface anything that may be taken the wrong way with "Sorry for the questions but I have been burned in the past because I did not ask so.."

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  4. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    I have had the whole spectrum from I can't help enough to I can't be bothered to answer your simple question to wow that was rude. On occasion I have gotten responses that were way off in left field and entertaining. I had one woman tell me it was obviously a barbers razor because it has a mustache on it (W&B Bow razor) and one the measure the same as the standard size razor. Another of well seeing as you are so smart and know so much about razors answer it yourself. It takes all kinds, but you have to either be very polite or have something incredibly special to get my money.
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  5. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Had a friend who experienced the same thing when he sent in a follow up question. My friend attempted to bid on the item anyway, and found the seller had put him on his 'blocked bidders list.' He was quite surprised and taken aback. I'd imagine some sellers are afraid of people who might end up leaving a negative feedback, or just end up dissatisfied.

    Not sure really ........ who knows what lurks in the minds of men ?
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    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

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  7. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I was really taken back, and bummed. I responded again to them and was kinda rude after their response my self but explained that I wasn't trying to hit a nerve and that I was sorry if I did. But I shouldn't have even had to say that.
    Now I'm missing out on a rattler grind I believe. I have a square point, round point, and could have had a rattler grind of the same make and I don't run across this make often...

  8. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    It is always a tough choice if you want to give your money to rude people when they have something special.
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  9. #7
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    I've heard of such response before from other posts here - I guess the seller isn't hurting for bidders if they can afford such attitude.

    Some people must be simply idiots - why would you greet a person who you don't know in such a manner is something I don't understand yet I keep encountering. It probably boils down to a lack of decent upbringing, because by default treating people in the worst possible way instead of in the best is very basic.

  10. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by RezDog View Post
    It is always a tough choice if you want to give your money to rude people when they have something special.
    ain't that the truth! I outta bid just to see if I was blocked....

  11. #9
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Some sellers don't like knowledgeable folk. They view them as future problems and also some just take the attitude you are really trying to question their honesty or quality of their mdse.
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  12. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Well, i don't know what's happened to the seller recently, but maybe they've had a couple of things returned.

    I usually get a little bit iffy if a buyer doesn't seem to have any experience and I'm selling something nice. To such a person, a $50 and a $200 razor are interchangeable and you never know when they're going to get cold feet. Same goes with tools. If I recondition or refit a wooden plane, I may charge what I paid for the plane, but I always run into people who want to know why it costs more than a plane that's not functional at all or that's missing parts (never mind the fact that I'm usually selling stuff out of my user pile that I paid as much for, anyway - before putting the time in to make it usable).

    If I sense that a buyer is really critical, I badmouth whatever the goods are to them when they ask questions to try to deter them from buying. Sometimes they buy anyway, and are pleased.
    Trimmy72 likes this.

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