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Thread: wade & butcher resale value!!! And funny story

  1. #41
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dafonz6987 View Post
    I had no clue that u had the ability to buy a moon pie for a nickle in your day old timer

    And a Dr Pepper to wash it down with in a real glass bottle that you had to use a "Church Key" to open Mmmmmmmmmm
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  3. #42
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Wade & Butcher straight razor; this razor dates back to the 1830's when it was first used by one of my Grandfathers,,, it made it's way to me. Shaves with the smoothness of an Angel's wing,,,

    It's rare to me because its the only Wade & Butcher in our family's history and I wouldn't take $10,000 for it.

    Enjoy Pithor,,,,

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  4. #43
    Senior Member Dafonz6987's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haroldg48 View Post
    Dear OP....the prices keep rising because most people who want them go to eBay to buy them, and when they all get there, they try to win by raising their bids, and raising them again, and again.

    If you read here long enough, you'll see that each person's actual experience is different with any make, size or grind. Some chase W&B, others Ducks, others Filarmonica, others Case, etc. since, as has also been pointed out "they don't make them any more", if you want an XXXXXXX, you have to pay what the market says. Like high capacity pistol magazines, which were (temporarily) banned. Prices tripled, so I sold some. Kinda like any other product. So, it's that simple
    Yeah I got a lot of logical explanations to what is going on, I've never shaved with a W&B so I only asked just to find out if the razor somehow jumped out of your hands and shaved for you lol... But yeah makes sense that there are also trends one day W&B, next will be something else... I know that there are a to of different types of razors, grinds and styles and I do have a small idea of what my own preference are these days but all my recent purchases have solely been for restore and re-sale... I will shave with all the razors before I sell them just so I'll grow an advanced log of straights. I will know exactly what I'm looking for when I buy my personals, for now I just thought that this would be one of the best ways to figure out my own preferences since I'll have so many different razors I'm and out of hands.... I also would like to thank you all for taking the time to reply to my thread, I have a really good idea of what's going on now and I will no longer be scratching my head saying "$450?! why in he hell would you pay that?"
    Last edited by Dafonz6987; 09-11-2015 at 12:21 AM.

  5. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    This is correct. IIRC Butcher was mainly concerned with facilitating the export to the USA, not in the manufacturing process, and lived in NYC ........ not the UK.
    That's funny I see that ebay member selling a lot of stuff... Him and his iconic rock.... I think I should find my own dedicated background... There is another dude that has the razor on his jnat and shaptons in the background....

  6. #45
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dafonz6987 View Post
    That's funny I see that ebay member selling a lot of stuff... Him and his iconic rock.... I think I should find my own dedicated background... There is another dude that has the razor on his jnat and shaptons in the background....
    One of my favorite sellers always has a cat in his pics...showed my wife once, she wanted me to buy the razor because she liked the cat and was concerned he was selling his razors because he needed the money for the cat, I agreed and promptly made her buy me the razor!

    Sometime's you just gotta catch the wave and ride it all the way...

  7. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dafonz6987 View Post
    That's dope, you got pictures?
    I did, but recently wiped my phone due to having several hundred pics of just razors. It was "just" a nice condition 9/8 the celebrated for barbers use. I've owned several, and always end up selling them just because they always make me several hundred dollars in profit. I am working on a shorty, and can take pics of that. I just got done finishing my first custom razor, from bruno, and I could have 2 of those for what my butcher sold for. If you want a good piece of advice, constantly check ebay for newly listed razors. Just last month a guy got one just like mine ($500+) for 35$ buy it now. Just have to be the first one to see it haha.

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    Last edited by prodigy; 09-11-2015 at 12:51 AM.

  8. #47
    Senior Member blabbermouth whoever's Avatar
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    I simply must have this rare kinfe, would you take £10,000
    Quote Originally Posted by Hirlau View Post
    Wade & Butcher straight razor; this razor dates back to the 1830's when it was first used by one of my Grandfathers,,, it made it's way to me. Shaves with the smoothness of an Angel's wing,,,

    It's rare to me because its the only Wade & Butcher in our family's history and I wouldn't take $10,000 for it.

    Enjoy Pithor,,,,

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  9. #48
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  10. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pithor View Post
    It is supply and demand. And hype. All of which are high. Very high. At any random point, type "wade butcher razor" in the Ebay search. Right now, this search gives 185 hits. One hundred and eighty-five. Granted, not all of them are 8/8, but when browsing you will find a fair share of them. At any given point in time (the same for e.g. Friodurs and Dubl Ducks in decent to good shape).

    This is why I sigh deeply every time I read the phrase "rare Wade & Butcher". Apart from maybe "The Ottoman and Egyptian Razor", there really is no such thing as a rare Wade & Butcher. Not even close. It is like saying 1970's and -80's Ford Mustangs are hard to come by.
    I feel it's more to do with the 8/8 variety. Though most W&B don't normally sell less than $150ish.
    I purchased a 5/8 W&B Bow near wedge from Turkey and was just under 2 bills shipped. YVMV.

  11. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dafonz6987 View Post
    my 3-5 year plan is to be fordging out some razors, I wonder if fordging a wade and butcher inspired piece would be a smart move... Assuming that the craze for these razors continue
    I was wondering some time ago why there wasn't any makers doing this. Then I started seeing some razors by Silverloaf on ebay that looked like large Sheffields. I haven't read the entire thread, so sorry if someone already mentioned this.
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