Sorry to hear you are having trouble. It ALWAYS sucks.

As it is only the 24th of October AND a Saturday, let's hope the package finds it's way back to CPC and gets delivered correctly next week.

If the package was small enough to be placed back into the outgoing slot at the CMB site (I'm now assuming it was delivered to the wrong compartment, but I don't actually know that), the package would take a day or two to go through the system. It might get delayed more if someone questions why the bar code is showing in the system again, after being scanned as delivered. If the package/box was too big to go through the slot, the person who recieved it, could be slow at returning it to the post office, if it's out of their way. The odds of a person keeping a razor who they themselves are not a straight razor user, is fairly slim, I would think.

If all fails, the sender must start any insurance claim at their end as they are the one who purchased the insurance. And, I am afraid, it takes forever to get sorted out, even when sender and reciever are both in the same country, cross border is worse. As nobody knows what happened for sure, there is a rather long wait to see if the item is returned to the sender before any claim is paid.

No delivery company is perfect, they ALL have their problems. Millions of items are handled and delivered each and every day by CPC and even a 0.0001% error rate would result in multiple items being incorrectly delivered/damaged each day. I have a missing item right now... no tracking number, but the sender claims they'll make it right if it does not show up. It was supposed to be sent via the post office, but the sender used a re-mailer who is likely the one who dropped the ball.

It is of concern that the package was scanned delivered though.... I take it you checked the tracking number on the Canada Post website?

