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Thread: Canada Post screwed up!!!!
10-25-2015, 12:52 AM #1
Canada Post screwed up!!!!
This is more or less a RANT
On the 20th of October I checked eBay on a Boker 1056 I bought from the US, to see what the shipping status was. It said it was delivered to my community mailbox. This is one razor I have wanting for a while. I was all giddy at the thought of having it in my hands when I got home from work. Well..... I am on my way home and stop at the community mailbox across the street from my house. I took out my key to open my little mailbox...... And NOTHING was there. No package or a key to open the larger parcel boxes!!! I'm like WTF? NOTHING !!! No mail or parcel. Not even a pick up notice. I was totally deflated.
So the next day I checked again..... NOTHING !!!!
On the 22nd I went to the local post office and talked to the retail clerk there. Told him what happened. He said he would talk to the postal courier and see if he knew anything. I gave him my info and he did a print out of my tracking, etc. Said he would call me later to give me an update. Well by the end of the day....NOTHING !!!!
Friday morning I go there....same guy there...... Asked why didn't they call me? He said nothing was found out. The courier didn't remember anything. WTF !!! I work for a courier company, we are actually owned by Canada Post. Must have some brain dead guy delivering parcels or something.
My Boker razor is either still in it's original packaging and someone has returned it through Canada Post to be correctly delivered. OR.........My Boker is now being kept by someone who is dishonest (which opening anther person's mail is a Federal Offence here ( I asked).
I call Canada Post customer service line. Talk to the gal there. She takes my info and such. She says I need to contact the shipper and have them do an investigation on the parcel. I tell her what is Canada Post to do when Christmas time arrives and their volume of freight if 10 times greater than it is now? I've had numerous parcels delivered to my house. This is my 2nd package to be delivered to the community mailbox. 50% isn't cutting it...... She agrees... NOT good at all. They need a better tracking system that verifies it was correctly delivered to the correct box. A bar code.
So the seller would have to contact USPS and then they contact Canada Post. All the while when you look at the tracking history it shows being delivered....... If the shipping is not going to do this, Canada Post will investigate it from their end, but that is the first step I need to do.
Should be an uphill battle!!! Any suggestions ? And my apologizes about this rant.
Is it over there or over yonder?
10-25-2015, 01:14 AM #2
Sorry to hear this, no suggestions, but I will hope for the best. It will probably make it to you,,, lets hope.
My only mail horror story,,, last year I ordered a nice William Barber custom from California. usually they are in my hands in under 48 hours. days go by & no brush. Over a week later a flat rate box, torn to h*ll arrives, all tapped up. Inside an apology letter from U.S. Postal. The box had been stolen at the mail hub,, opened up,,, apparently the thief did not like the custom brush inside or didn't know what the h*ll it was. The thief put the brush back in the box & tossed it in the outside trash,,, it was noticed by another employee during a cleanup & given to the office.
I guess the thief was a Thater fan,,,,
10-25-2015, 01:18 AM #3
This is becoming a serious problem in all destinations. I have had a couple shipments of unobtainium disappear at the receiver's end... and the PO says they have a signature on the shipping document.
Do not give the Post any blanket signature permission. Do find a local business that may accept your package and have the seller ship to you "in care of" the business place. The larger the city and the requirement that delivery services and the Post are "Equal Opportunity Employers" make such theft more common.
Even in a small city of less than 15K people, my son had to get a shipping address to a packaging/shipping store to assure the arrival of all packages and mail. He lives in an apartment building and too many people have keys to the mail boxes. A real problem is the oversize package bin below. The packages are supposed to be placed in the apartment building office...right!
Also, if at all possible for the recipient to get to the Post Office, it is a good idea to have the shipper mark the shipment "HOLD AT POST OFFICE FOR PICK-UP"
~RichardLast edited by Geezer; 10-25-2015 at 01:21 AM.
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
- Oscar Wilde
10-25-2015, 02:30 AM #4
I have not had one problem with Canada Post in the last month.
I have ordered three things and received them all in a timely fashion.
Sorry to hear this.It's a dog eat dog world and I have on milk bone underwear.
10-25-2015, 02:54 AM #5
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Thanked: 3228I dread the thought of getting our community mail box installed shortly and for exactly the reason the OP is complaining about. When they do go in I'll be taking Geezer's suggestion and have all packages held at the Post office for pickup.
Just remember the idiotic statement from CanPost that getting the exercise going to the community mail boxes is good for you. Try that every day when you get older and it is -20C to -40C with slippery sidewalks. OTH it might be a business opportunity there for supplying studded winter wheels for walkers and wheel chairs.
BobLife is a terminal illness in the end
10-25-2015, 03:32 AM #6Is it over there or over yonder?
10-25-2015, 03:34 AM #7
WOW! You got lucky.... I hope my parcel is found and returned to me. I am so mad right now. My wife says don't dwell on this...... Pfffft! I want someone's head on a platter for the mistake that was made!
I did contact the seller...... Hopefully they will be of some help.Is it over there or over yonder?
10-25-2015, 05:02 AM #8
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Thanked: 351Sorry to hear you are having trouble. It ALWAYS sucks.
As it is only the 24th of October AND a Saturday, let's hope the package finds it's way back to CPC and gets delivered correctly next week.
If the package was small enough to be placed back into the outgoing slot at the CMB site (I'm now assuming it was delivered to the wrong compartment, but I don't actually know that), the package would take a day or two to go through the system. It might get delayed more if someone questions why the bar code is showing in the system again, after being scanned as delivered. If the package/box was too big to go through the slot, the person who recieved it, could be slow at returning it to the post office, if it's out of their way. The odds of a person keeping a razor who they themselves are not a straight razor user, is fairly slim, I would think.
If all fails, the sender must start any insurance claim at their end as they are the one who purchased the insurance. And, I am afraid, it takes forever to get sorted out, even when sender and reciever are both in the same country, cross border is worse. As nobody knows what happened for sure, there is a rather long wait to see if the item is returned to the sender before any claim is paid.
No delivery company is perfect, they ALL have their problems. Millions of items are handled and delivered each and every day by CPC and even a 0.0001% error rate would result in multiple items being incorrectly delivered/damaged each day. I have a missing item right now... no tracking number, but the sender claims they'll make it right if it does not show up. It was supposed to be sent via the post office, but the sender used a re-mailer who is likely the one who dropped the ball.
It is of concern that the package was scanned delivered though.... I take it you checked the tracking number on the Canada Post website?
Christian"Aw nuts, now I can't remember what I forgot!" --- Kaptain "Champion of lost causes" Zero
10-25-2015, 05:27 AM #9
I tracked that razor
Imagine my disgust when it wasn't there and it said delivered. Not a great feeling at all. I've contacted the seller and asked them to contact USPS on this matters. USPS is supposed to contact Canada Post and an investigation is supposed to happen. I'm not sure if the shipper had it insurance on it or not? They used that Global shipping on eBay.
All I know is that it shows delivered and I don't have it. Looks very bad on my end.
I know all about barcodes...... I work at Purolator. Hopefully it does show up this week. I check my mailbox at home too.....hoping the person who has it may have slipped it in there. It's a waiting game now. I'd rather have the razor than a refund TBH......
Christmas is coming, wonder how many more packages Canada Post will say has been "delivered" like mine was?Is it over there or over yonder?
10-25-2015, 07:02 AM #10
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Thanked: 3795The worst thing about this is that it was a Boker 1056. I'm sorry to tell you that they are awesome!
I hope that it turns up.