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Thread: Canada Post screwed up!!!!

  1. #31
    Senior Member Willisf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scareface View Post
    I almost had this happen this weekend with USPS.
    I sent my Wolfman DE to have some engraving done.

    It only had to go Dallas to Abilene 300ish miles up the rode. It didn't make it on delivery day.
    It went From Dallas to Oklahoma City and sat a few days , the OKC to Lubbuck for a few days then from Lubbuck to Abilene.
    Glad it all worked out for you. I had a pool cue ordered and was coming from the USA. It ended up in the UK for 2 weeks then back to USA and then to Canada....... Took almost 7 weeks for it to get to me. The tracking history was so messed up...... lol
    Is it over there or over yonder?

  2. #32
    Senior Member Willisf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cangooner View Post
    That makes sense too me too in that the seller appears to have done his part in good faith. So the liability surely must fall either with Pitney Bowes, EBay, or Canada Post. Since they delivered it to a phantom, I'd like to think CanPost should take the rap on this one.

    It's such a shame that this happened - I hope it gets resolved soon with a belated delivery!
    I think eBay should take the hit on this one, but chances are they will put it on the seller, which is sad. The seller did do their part on all this. And there is no way Canada Post is at fault...... Never in a million years will a courier or postage company admit fault.
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  3. #33
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    I don't see how they put it on the seller - they received the package from him and that's the end of that part. It's their global shipping program which they charged you money for (the seller didn't get any of that money) where things went wrong, so it's between ebay, their shipper and you. The shipper says delivered, you say it wasn't, so ebay has to decide who they're going to side with. If they side with you they'll be losing money this time, potentially retaining you as a customer, if they put the loss on you, you will be very very unhappy with them and likely never use that program.
    Paypal is now separate company from ebay, so you may want to check into opening dispute with them.
    If it were me I'd try to find a way to reach ebay on the phone, failing that go to my credit card company and file a chargeback there. If you win that case ebay will take the loss unless they can offload it to the shipper.

  4. #34
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    I don't see how they put it on the seller - they received the package from him and that's the end of that part. It's their global shipping program which they charged you money for (the seller didn't get any of that money) where things went wrong, so it's between ebay, their shipper and you. The shipper says delivered, you say it wasn't, so ebay has to decide who they're going to side with. If they side with you they'll be losing money this time, potentially retaining you as a customer, if they put the loss on you, you will be very very unhappy with them and likely never use that program.
    Paypal is now separate company from ebay, so you may want to check into opening dispute with them.
    If it were me I'd try to find a way to reach ebay on the phone, failing that go to my credit card company and file a chargeback there. If you win that case ebay will take the loss unless they can offload it to the shipper.
    What gugi said + 1. For the seller the beauty of ebay handling the international shipping is that the seller is off the hook once the package is delivered to the surrogate shipper. This 'community mailbox' thing is the problem. Perhaps a dishonest neighbor ? I too think paypal is your best bet. The fact that the parcel is marked delivered will be hard to overcome though.
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  5. #35
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Don't be so quick to blame the letter carrier. I don't know about Canada but in the U.S the mail is sorted and bundled and the carrier basically puts the bundles in the box. The actual sorting is done at a remote station. The carrier really doesn't have to look at the mail. If it's a large parcel then it's a little different because it has to go in another box and they should be looking at it but small boxes that fit in the regular mail boxes don't get that scrutiny.

    I've had plenty of cases where the carriers are supposed to get signatures and they don't and plenty of times where they just put a notice to pick it up at the post office without knocking on the door to get a signature.
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  6. #36
    Senior Member Willisf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    I don't see how they put it on the seller - they received the package from him and that's the end of that part. It's their global shipping program which they charged you money for (the seller didn't get any of that money) where things went wrong, so it's between ebay, their shipper and you. The shipper says delivered, you say it wasn't, so ebay has to decide who they're going to side with. If they side with you they'll be losing money this time, potentially retaining you as a customer, if they put the loss on you, you will be very very unhappy with them and likely never use that program.
    Paypal is now separate company from ebay, so you may want to check into opening dispute with them.
    If it were me I'd try to find a way to reach ebay on the phone, failing that go to my credit card company and file a chargeback there. If you win that case ebay will take the loss unless they can offload it to the shipper.
    Hahahaha...... Wish I had a phone to contact eBay Canada...... None posted I can find. I got a survey from them today asking their service was on handling my problem..... I let em have it too. I stressed in my message to them it was NOT the seller's fault. Their global shipping dept needs to be looking into it. I might try Paypal out here soon and see what they say.
    Is it over there or over yonder?

  7. #37
    Senior Member Willisf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    What gugi said + 1. For the seller the beauty of ebay handling the international shipping is that the seller is off the hook once the package is delivered to the surrogate shipper. This 'community mailbox' thing is the problem. Perhaps a dishonest neighbor ? I too think paypal is your best bet. The fact that the parcel is marked delivered will be hard to overcome though.
    The seller said it should have been "signature required"....and no signature was taken. "Load and go" is what the mail carrier did. Most likely was running a tad late and was going to miss coffee time or something like that.
    Is it over there or over yonder?

  8. #38
    Senior Member Willisf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    Don't be so quick to blame the letter carrier. I don't know about Canada but in the U.S the mail is sorted and bundled and the carrier basically puts the bundles in the box. The actual sorting is done at a remote station. The carrier really doesn't have to look at the mail. If it's a large parcel then it's a little different because it has to go in another box and they should be looking at it but small boxes that fit in the regular mail boxes don't get that scrutiny.

    I've had plenty of cases where the carriers are supposed to get signatures and they don't and plenty of times where they just put a notice to pick it up at the post office without knocking on the door to get a signature.
    The guys here do this...... I've watched them in the past. They have a stack of letters, they look at them and place into the individual mailboxes. Parcels are the same way. Read the address and place in the mailbox. I work for a courier company here in Canada. We are owned by Canada Post. I know the drill when it comes to
    signature required".... You DO NOT miss that or you are in BIG trouble. It is worth a write up, big time.
    Is it over there or over yonder?

  9. #39
    Senior Member Willisf's Avatar
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    Well....... I called PAYPAL and then got transferred to eBay Canada. Got to take to their conflict escalations dept. We talked for a while and she looked into the shipping data. She says the package had the wrong postal code on it. So.... someone screwed up. Either the shipper or the global shipping company. She ruled the dispute in my favor....... I'll be getting a refund. I'd rather have the razor though. End of story. Thanks everyone for your posts and support. Canada Post, I guess didn't screw up. I still don't like the community mailbox though......

    Weird thing is...... When I looked up the postal the rep gave me, it is the Canada Post Centre's postal code. Makes no sense.
    Last edited by Willisf; 10-29-2015 at 03:27 AM.
    Is it over there or over yonder?

  10. #40
    Senior Member Suticat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Willisf View Post
    She says the package had the wrong postal code on it. So.... someone screwed up. Either the shipper or the global shipping company. She ruled the dispute in my favor.
    This is why I take pics of anything and everything that I sell and ship. The item and the label next to the buyers email with their shipping data in it. Had a seller on the Bay try and screw me over until I showed pics. By doing this EBay cant shirk their responsibility and the buyer/sellers won't get nailed by them for no fault of their own. I learned this lesson the hard way about 10 years ago with a completely different transaction.

    You will find that EBay will never take accountability for any mishaps.
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