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12-30-2015, 12:10 PM #1
Buyer's Wall of shame anyone? Hope not!
We talk about dishonest sellers, but what about buyers? Here is this morning's experience, which in fact started a few weeks ago, seemingly with an innocent mistake.
So I sold an item on eBay, posted it from Serbia to the UK and it all looked normal for a while.
A few weeks ago I get the following message, 3-4 days after I've shipped the item:
"Item is lost. You need to file a case with the carrier. I expect a full refund. Will open case with eBay."
... to which I respond in the friendliest possibly voice: "..but hold on, your item has not even left Serbia. Please give it another week, or maybe even longer, with the holiday season and all...", but thinking to myself, there will be trouble.
He responds: "Apologies, messaged the wrong person" and we both go silent for a few weeks. I have a sigh of relief and go about my business, but this thing is constantly in the back of my mind, as if I sensed something fishy was about to take place.
Anyway, during this time, I am tracking the item online and finally, I see it was delivered yesterday! A huge relief! Or, is it....?
This morning I get a message from the buyer: "Item seems lost. If this is not delivered today, I am opening a case. Not the first item I had lost during the holidays."... same story and I am thinking, yeah, well, what else is new?
I respond politely, again, showing them the tracking information. Then I get on the phone and get Royal Mail to send me a copy of the delivery receipt. I have this document now, with the person's actual signature on it. Following this, I've sent another message to the buyer, in a neutral voice this time, saying that I have the evidence of receipt and have reported them to eBay.
What this person does on eBay is very clear to me, since two weeks ago, when I checked the account, prompted by the first message received. They buy very reasonably priced items and then resell them. At the same time, they open refund cases with eBay, claiming they never received the original item. They use the holidays and the busy post offices/customs to blame for "losing their stuff". They probably even get their money back sometimes, then they resell the items and lo and behold: Double profit!
I am waiting to see how eBay will handle this case of obvious attempt at theft. My spirits are seriously down this morning.... and it's not even about the money.
12-30-2015, 12:49 PM #2
That is shocking behaviour. Sadly quite common though and all that happens when people are caught out is they open a new account with ebay and carry on. Good luck resolving it!
12-30-2015, 03:35 PM #3
Thank you for the sympathies, I do hope this kind of thing doesn't happen around here.
He has responded, now saying "maybe his neighbour picked it up", stating he guarantees it is not his signature on the form... But I never sent the form to him, he never saw the signature, so I can't see how he would know... I know, I know, he allegedly didn't sign it, so it can't be his, right? But then why not say "Hey, that's weird. I never signed a form. Let me look into that", instead of saying "I guarantee, it's not my signature".
The signature clearly shows the first initial of his name, followed by his last name. Written very poorly, as if he planned this all along... I am now waiting for him to claim someone forged his signature, because it does look like my 2 year old wrote it out.
This whole "neighbour thing" doesn't add up, because the package was delivered yesterday. A good neighbour would have already reported it and handed it over. The good neighbour would have signed their own name and not forged his.. the postman should have made sure things are legit, especially for an international signed-for service.
I'm 99% sure he will force me to deal with the carrier, claiming his money back and I will need to try and get it back from Royal mail (read his first message to me, the one intended for someone else). In the end, the postal service is at loss and the scammer lives on. I hope I'm wrong.As the time passes, so we learn.
12-30-2015, 04:34 PM #4
I would speak to my Consigliere about sending a crew over to his address to discuss the situation.
S.L.A.M.,.......SHAVE LIKE A MAN!!!
Not like a G.I.R.L. (Gentleman In Razor Limbo)
12-30-2015, 04:38 PM #5
12-30-2015, 04:47 PM #6
12-30-2015, 06:00 PM #7
I don't sell a lot on eBay but I have had similiar situations happen in the past. Once the tracking (in USA) said it was delivered but buyer said he didn't get it. He tried to open a case in eBay but they sent me a message telling me they requested he wait a bit more. The package was actually marked by the postal worker as delivered but he had it in his vehicle when he returned. The package was delivered the very next day-issue was resolved and everyone was happy. eBay said that as long as the tracking stated it was delivered I was off the hook anyways so I always get tracking now.
The other time a buyer bought a strop from me and said it was wrinkled in delivery. I asked him to return it and he said he still wanted it but also wanted a partial refund. It wasn't worth my time to ask for proof and all that so I just sent him a partial refund of $35. Issue resolved.
All in all, people are out there that take advantage but in my limited experience they are the minority. Given the HUGE customer base I am reaching through eBay I can't complain.What a curse be a dull razor; what a prideful comfort a sharp one
The Following User Says Thank You to Steel For This Useful Post:
Srdjan (12-30-2015)
12-30-2015, 06:31 PM #8
Thanks Steel, you've given me some comfort in thinking I may be off the hook. No developments since early afternoon, but I am still waiting to hear from eBay and for the final resolution.
@Raol I was just playing around. A couple of years ago, someone told me one of the strongest mafia oranizations in Europe are Albanian and Serbian, followed by some others more, or less famous. I thought you may have heard something similar. This information was surprising to me, but hey.. what do I know! I don't even watch TV, or read the news anymore, I find it all too depressing.As the time passes, so we learn.
12-30-2015, 06:43 PM #9
01-01-2016, 04:20 PM #10
The New year started well, I have won against the scammer... And using no muscle, other than the one under my scalp
As the time passes, so we learn.