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Thread: Bargains are out there!

  1. #1
    The First Cut is the Deepest! Magpie's Avatar
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    Default Bargains are out there!

    I'm still happy with my Million Razor score, but a little big of kicking myself for not paying attention to my phone. Battery died while I was down at the barn, so my snipe did not go off and I missed a great lot.
    This is the sort of bargain razor guys love. Was it anybody here lucky enough to snag them all?
    Its nice to know there are still some bargains to be had. Dont give up guys!

    For posterity... Sold for $80

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  2. #2
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magpie View Post
    I'm still happy with my Million Razor score, but a little big of kicking myself for not paying attention to my phone. Battery died while I was down at the barn, so my snipe did not go off and I missed a great lot.
    This is the sort of bargain razor guys love. Was it anybody here lucky enough to snag them all?
    Its nice to know there are still some bargains to be had. Dont give up guys!

    For posterity... Sold for $80
    NOTE TO SELF--Self, always keep phone charged---
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  3. #3
    Senior Member jfk742's Avatar
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    Just that henckels would of been worth the money.

  4. #4
    The First Cut is the Deepest! Magpie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jfk742 View Post
    Just that henckels would of been worth the money.
    That Henckels, that sweet Focus, the minty looking Genco.... My guess is the guy spent good money on good razors, but never knew how to maintain them (notice cheapy strop that I wouldnt let near any of my blades) Probably had some of the worst shaves of his life, and said "frack this, Mach8 for me!"
    Phrank, jfk742 and alex1921 like this.

  5. #5
    Senior Member jfk742's Avatar
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    I found a near new Thiers Issard with a middle of the road strop for next to nothing a while ago. The guy put it up as a buy it now, said he tried it but couldn’t figure it out. After testing the edge on it when it showed up I can see why.

    There will be other deals at least, good hunting.

  6. #6
    The First Cut is the Deepest! Magpie's Avatar
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    I need to STOP hunting! I have way too many blades, and way too many bills to pay.
    dlubbaman and sharptonn like this.

  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    I try to avoid looking at stuff on eBay. I have a ton. I got many many bargains and a few oops purchases. It’s good to see bargains out there. It gives hope to those that would like to collect without remargaging the house.
    Raol and Steel like this.
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  8. #8
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    I've picked up razors for less than 5 bucks twice. Plus shipping. They needed work, but for a starting price i was amazed. That would have been a great bargain to get. Sorry you missed it.
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  9. #9
    Senior Member TristanLudlow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RezDog View Post
    I try to avoid looking at stuff on eBay. I have a ton. I got many many bargains and a few oops purchases.
    Yup, this exactly!

    I had a few bargains, but my most fortunate were a BBW that turned out to be an Escher, around 30 bucks

    Also two 7-day sets of my favorite shavers: Swedish framebacks by CV Heljestrand, if I do the quick math the average price per razor is 30 bucks, I gladly paid that price.

    I avoid looking at ebay and the likes as well. Having 2 7day sets and a suehiro 20k helps a lot though.
    It's an ongoing battle though, razors, hones, strops, brushes, soaps, etc. firstworldproblems n'at
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  10. #10
    Senior Member Badgister's Avatar
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    I've noticed more bargains recently. Definitely much better than the post-Skyfall craze.
    ScoutHikerDad and RezDog like this.

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