YIPPEEE!,YAHOO! etc.I finally got my Genco.It Was indeed posted on the 24th July but didn't leave customs 'till 5th August The reason given was wrong address but it is the correct address.
We are in a bit of a mess as far as that goes.I know I should have seen about it long ago but I sorta found a way round it till now.The story is as follows;
When we first bought our house, we were told our address was Townhouses etc.One day,a person on the phone asked our address and pot code.When told they said "no, your post code says Ben Nevis Terrace" "Oh", we said, " that used to be a street here before our house was built but now it's Townhouses" To make things esier, we used the Ben Nevis Terrace address. Then One day some bright spark built an apartment block (or flats as we call them) next to our house but the clowns gave it the same address as us! After getting couriers going to the wrong house and the swine in that house just taking stuff that wasn't theirs, we decided to go back to using Townhouses as our address 'cause our mail man knows where that is and couriers at least know it's not those flats.Now,however I got in touch with Royal Mail to tell them about it since they don't show either of the two addresses on their website. (phew, I'm knackered after that now)
But now the good news. The genco's I got off ebay, one from USA and one from England, are great and look as though they will be nice when they are restored and re scaled.
thanks for listening to my rant, guys sorry it was so long............guys...........guys wake up, guys.