Mandrake I assume you took that photo one morning as you were sitting by the pool awaiting the arrival of your breakfast with your camera bird-watching? Don't you hate it when all of the help arrives at the same time all vying for your attention and offering the same thing? Yeah me too. I've found in the past that when all of the maids show up at once like that, you have a discipline issue and really need to take a good hard look at matters. Once you have a situation where the help is in competition like that then things can get sticky. Grab the problem with both hands man! If you don't tackle that problem soon you'll find them all pestering you in the middle of the night! I can help! It so happens that I have openings on my staff and could use a pair of them. While normally I'd leave those domestic issues to my wife, in this instance I'll simply say that I'd be happy to take any two of them off your hands. What's the point of having a forum like this if we can't help each other out now and then? So I'll waive the interviews and just PM my address to you. I assume that you'll cover travel expenses for them? Isn't it good that we can help each other out like this?