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Thread: DD lifetime unsold at 10 bucks
11-08-2009, 10:13 PM #11
That's just it. The Ducks, though they are quite easy to hone and do shave well, are not sought after for how they shave. They are collector's pieces. When you get to a point, the difference in how a razor shaves becomes more a matter of how the blade handles with respect to the shaver's preferences and what the shaver's technique is like... and how what the shaver sees while looking at the razor affects how he thinks the blade shaves.
11-08-2009, 10:19 PM #12
^^ I hope I someday own a duck or two, but again it isn't so much for the shaving... I really think it is more that they have some that are quite the lookers, (mm! Crackled ice!) and all the names, mints, etc. that make them very collectable. They have variety not available in, say, a DOVO or TI, but they were made in a modern enough period that we have much better dating, nomenclature, etc. than we do for a lot of the older things such as a W&B.