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  1. #1
    Senior Member Malacoda's Avatar
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    Default $700 for DD pair - really?

    Just came across this one this morning:

    Dubl Duck Straight Razors - eBay (item 320463103932 end time Dec-25-09 10:03:35 PST)

    $700 for a Dubl Duck pair: a Goldedge and Wonderedge in what looks to be really, really nice original condition.

    I know that DDs go for some pretty decent coin, but, still being fairly new to straights (about 2 months in now) I have to ask, are they really worth that much? Or is the seller just reaching for the stars a bit?

  2. #2
    Scale Maniac BKratchmer's Avatar
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    I think he's reaching for whatever the stars are hung on, personally! He lists them from time to dice, evidently.

    What was that Pope line? Oh yeah!

    Hope springs eternal in the human breast;
    Man never is, but always to be blest...

  3. #3
    Large Member ben.mid's Avatar
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    Yep, these have been up a few times. Ever the optimist, the price remains the same. If he continues, they'll be a bargain for somebody, in twenty years.

  4. #4
    Scale Maniac BKratchmer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ben.mid View Post
    Yep, these have been up a few times. Ever the optimist, the price remains the same. If he continues, they'll be a bargain for somebody, in twenty years.
    Or if inflation stateside holds, just one or two! Get your euros ready, Ben!

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    Large Member ben.mid's Avatar
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    We don't have Euro's here. It's still good old Sterling! God save the Queen & all that!

  6. #6
    Scale Maniac BKratchmer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ben.mid View Post
    We don't have Euro's here. It's still good old Sterling! God save the Queen & all that!
    Ach, silly me! Forgot myself for a minute, there. I think I speak for the US *and* the EU when I say "God save us from the Queen's currency" and all...

    There'll be three dollars to the pound sterling in no time... you can snatch those Dubl Ducks and share one with me, the prophet of your good Christmastide fortune, right?

  7. #7
    zib is offline
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    Honestly, from what I've seen, there are a few Ebay'rs that are keeping the prices of the Wonderedge at 400.00 and the Goldedge at 300.00. The guys on ebay with the nice restored razors, talk to each other, believe me. I've have seen the price on the DD's sort of dip a little, and come right back up. Personally, I think it ridiculous, but what can we do? Are they worth it? Hmmm, that's a good question. I was told once that a price of an item is whatever your willing to pay for it. If you want a nice looking restored DD Wonderedge, your gonna pay 400.00. Sometimes you'll find a beat up one, with rust, pitting, hone wear may get that for 200.00, I would love to see them around 250.00 or so, that seems fair to me...

    Could you imagine if someone had a restored Reaper, Mint...OMG, 1200.00, or more...
    Last edited by zib; 12-24-2009 at 04:10 PM.
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    "Could you imagine if someone had a restored Reaper, Mint...OMG, 1200.00, or more... "

    There is a Reaper, I'm watching it to see what it does over the next few days. It will probably be out of my price range. its not a restore, but does have a buy now price.

  9. #9
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    Actually, there have been a couple wonders, a few more satins and a LOT of golds that went for 40-100$ in the past 2-3 weeks on eBay. Some are in the condition you mentioned, but a few were just a little bit of work to get looking new again. Maybe a touch of rust on the tang, maybe just a little oxidation on the blade, maybe a bit of hone wear. It's odd. Really depends on whether two people go for it or not I suppose, as if you browse completed listings you'll find 4-5 that went under $100, then an identical razor in the same condition as the rest (or just a hair better) that went for $200ish.

    There's some seller who appears to be a collector liquidating right now. He's got like 15 razors listed and about half are DD's. Last three I watched went for ~50-70. A bit of rust and some hone wear, but could easily made sparkly if pics weren't hiding anything.

    If you really want to laugh at this seller do a completed listing search for dubl duck razor. There's a handful of razors pulling the average up (ones that are in NOS condition and a few worse off ones that just got a lot of competition I suppose), but the majority are under $100.

  10. #10
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    Hmmm, That's interesting and good to know. Honestly, my vintage razor shopping spree day's are over. I leave that to the new guys. I have my share of Vintage. Now, I"m looking at Customs....Stuff like that...Happy Holiday's to all...
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