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  1. #11
    Junior Member sparcotsi's Avatar
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    If you look at things from another point of view, he's selling it to make money, it's a business, anybody here know a business that's around because they spent all there time finding/repairing something to sell it for exactly what it's worth or less? I'm on the side that there are some on ebay who charge an obscene amount, but at those prices no one will buy anything and they will dissappear quickly. The rest on ebay who charge what something is worth or slightly higher, are running a business and making out just fine. You never have to pay what someone asks.

  2. #12
    Wander Woman MistressNomad's Avatar
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    Hey, if he's as nice and honest a guy as those who've done business with him say, maybe it's just a gap in his knowledge.

    No one can ever know everything about anything. Maybe his source for pricing these particular types of razors was wrong. I'm sure he'll find out, if the razor doesn't wind up selling.

  3. #13
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    Damn! That is expensive. Well, he has the right to ask what he wants, and frankly if he sells a TRULY shave ready razor, then the buyer is going to have a good experience with it and be more likely to join the club. So from that perspective, I guess it might be a fair deal. Pretty much any quality straight is a good deal compared with spending $150 a year on cartridges. I prefer to start a razor low and let the market determine the final value. Perhaps though, if I had $150 into a razor, I might not feel that way. But then again, I'm not likely to be a buyer at that price unless I'm going to be the end user or unless it is something really unusual.

  4. #14
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Ya know, stepping into the E-bay arena without a bit of knowledge can be a rather expensive game....

    I believe that is the message that Stefan was trying to convey...

    Now personally if you wanna give your money to a unknown off E-bay when you have a reputable source right here that is a vendor on our forum that is your business...

    I always shop with our people first, then I go to ebay...

    Now anyone that has ever read my exchanges with John Crowley on this forum knows that him and I can get down and dirty in our opinions but the man knows razors and he sells good stuff...

    You might want to look at the prices he has right here for Henckles will be an enlightening experiance...

    Custom Handled Henckels Friodurs : Shaving Shop - luxury classic wet shaving products - straight razors

    And no I don't trust E-bay sellers at all...Sorry

    This is exactly why we post stuff like this so the Newbs know to look and ask first...

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to gssixgun For This Useful Post:

    JeffE (03-16-2010)

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