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Thread: Was it out of line.......

  1. #11
    Predictably Unpredictiable Mvcrash's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BenjamanBarker View Post
    Oh i realize there is handling involved as well and im not debating that i agreed to pay the $ is more the fact that a) there was NO insurance and b) that a flat rate box is around $5 and yes the auction stated Economy Shipping and a flat rate box is Priority. it is more the issue of the fact that they felt the need to send a rude email in the face of what was POSITIVE feed back and just stating the facts.....had it been in a box with insurance there would have been no issue and wouldn't have batted an eye at the $8 and even in a box i probably wouldn't have taken issue. like i said i paid it no problem it was just jarring to get that email this morning.
    What did you actually expect him to do? You made an agreement which he lived up to. Then you gave him MISLEADING feedback, not very nice IMHO.

    Quote Originally Posted by dave5225 View Post
    IMHO , you knowingly agreed to pay $8 for economy shipping . You got economy shipping . You have nothing to complain about . You were wrong to bust this sellers chops . I do agree with you , that the seller was wrong to give you a rude reply . They should have been civil in their reply . Being rude just makes them look like an idiot .
    I would have been a bit angry also and may have responded the same way. Sending a nasty gram to you was not really a nice thing to do, but trashing the guys feedback was not the right thing to do either. I never pay more than 5 bucks for US shipping. If it is seller wants more, I don't buy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Magpie View Post
    6 of this, half a dozen of that. For 8 dollars, I expect at the very least a good wrapping of bubbles. They skimped, on a delicate item. Instead of saying "they overcharged me" I would have opted for " could have been better packaged"
    If it arrived in the condition as described in the auction, it was packaged properly.

    Just my 2 cents.
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  2. #12
    Senior Member BenjamanBarker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mvcrash View Post
    What did you actually expect him to do? You made an agreement which he lived up to. Then you gave him MISLEADING feedback, not very nice IMHO.
    I guess I don't see how he lived up to it. Like I said I didn't have a problem paying it per the agreement I guess I just expected since I was paying $8 I would get $8 worth of good packing no matter what the actual cost of shipping it was. Or at least $5 worth of packing NOT a $1 store envelope and some left over bubble wrap.

  3. #13
    Antisocialite HarleyFXST's Avatar
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    You asked for our opinions. IMHO you were way out of line.

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  5. #14
    Predictably Unpredictiable Mvcrash's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BenjamanBarker View Post
    I guess I don't see how he lived up to it. Like I said I didn't have a problem paying it per the agreement I guess I just expected since I was paying $8 I would get $8 worth of good packing no matter what the actual cost of shipping it was. Or at least $5 worth of packing NOT a $1 store envelope and some left over bubble wrap.
    You don't really know what it cost him to send your package. As referred to previously, he may drive a car that gets 10 miles per gallon and lives 5 miles from a post office. That would cost him a few bucks also.

    I don't like over paying for shipping....matter of fact, I won't. But if I decide to buy from a vendor and knowingly agree to the shipping price and the price of the item and it arrives safely, I really have no beef.

    Quote Originally Posted by HarleyFXST View Post
    You asked for our opinions. IMHO you were way out of line.
    I agree.
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    “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”
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  6. #15
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    Many use the entire cost of shipping for shipping charges,, ie: time and gas to go to the PO

    The actual cost of those evelopes is in my neck of the woods .75 - $1.25 which is why I went to boxes from U-line

    I charge $6 for CONUS insured shipping for 1-3 razors unless the insurance is really high it will actually cost me about $5 for the shipping plus the cost of the box...

    Now if I had to pay for my car and gas I might add $1 or $2 but right now I am lucky and drive for free at my real job so I don't charge the extra... I also save and re-use every piece of packing material I can lay my hands on, which I get quite a bit here at work, so I don't charge for that either, but if somebody doesn't have access to that like I do, you would have to buy it....

    Now at $2.51 it seems he just mailed it First class no Insurance... add the cost of the envelope, and the packaging, let's say he is at $4 plus getting it to the PO

    Is the shipping high or low??? I am not saying, I am just giving you some numbers as I know them
    I’ve done business with Glen (GSSIXGUN) many times! His pricing for shipping is right up front for you to see! His packaging is always top notch!

    I’m not really familiar with doing business with EBay and the likes (I’m not a Dinosaur, but a definitely a Mastodon with this technological terror)!


    Not long ago, I went to buy a straight razor related item from a very well known online dealer: (this particular dealer sells not only from themselves but for others). When I went to checkout I found that the shipping was more than twice what I wanted to purchase (two 2oz items)!! Before I ordered, I contacted the seller asking why the shipping could possibly be that high! They responded that ‘they’ didn’t establish the shipping charge, their ‘partner’ did!!

    It took awhile but I finally figured out how to find the original seller and purchased directly from them! Shipping was include in the price/same price as at their (Partner’s site)!

    Just my little input! I hope I’m not off subject!
    Mvcrash likes this.
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  8. #16
    Natty Boh dave5225's Avatar
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    Now , and then , I sell razors in the classifieds . I include the cost of the shipping in the price of the razor . I only ship priority mail , in a flat rate box , insured , with signature delivery confirmation . I do this so I know that the razor was actually delivered to the person it was sent to , in the same condition it was in when it left my hands . This costs me around $9 or more (depending on the cost of the insurance) . Add the pay pal fee , and the cost of a gallon of gasoline , and were talking in the neighborhood of $15 .
    markdfhr likes this.
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  9. #17
    Senior Member SlowRain's Avatar
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    I live overseas from most shaving and coffee vendors. I ordered some stuff from one coffee vendor, and the price came to about $3-4 above actual costs. I figure that covered the box, the styrofoam peanuts, etc. I don't see that as unreasonable. I ordered some shaving stuff from a vendor heavily associated with this site, and I think I was charged about $14 above actual shipping costs. In that second case, there were boxes within boxes and a customs form. Still, I felt overcharged on that second one.

    Shipping is a way some people make a few extra bucks. As a customer, I don't like it. I won't ever buy again from that second vendor I mentioned. It's something all vendors should be aware of before deciding to do it. I just think it's best to be as honest and open as possible and try for repeat business, rather than going for a quick extra buck and risk alienating a customer and garnering some negative comments.

  10. #18
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    When the auction states 'Economy Shipping' there is no reason to expect getting priority, or next day, or express, even if the shipping charges are $100. As far as insurance goes the seller isn't liable to provide that, it is for his protection and not that of the buyer, as ebay has the seller liable to deliver the item in the promised state. How the seller choses to do that or how to split the cost between item and shipping is really up to them, at the best it is between them and ebay, but the buyer should stay out of it.
    Ebay provides and option for detailed feedback, and that's where the buyer can reflect if the shipping charges were too high.

    It's like buying anything else on the internet, usually there are shipping costs, and in most cases they are higher than the cost of the postage itself. Even when sellers offer free shipping, the buyer still pays for it, it's just hidden.

    So I don't see why people get their underwear bunched up over such a common practice when the end result is insignificant anyways.

    As far as the rude email from the seller, you received it AFTER you left the feedback. To me it makes a bit of a difference if the seller is being rude and unprofessional over the normal course of a transaction, or just afterwards when they are provoked.

    BTW you placed two bids on that item, i.e. you were willing to pay more. Nobody else bid on the razor, so you paid the minimum the seller was willing to sell it for, including the shipping. Which means you got a deal (paid less than what you were willing), while the seller didn't (got the minimum he wanted).

  11. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to gugi For This Useful Post:

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  12. #19
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    In my opinion, other than the obvious problem of complaining about a shipping method/price agreed to by the contract of purchase, the OP included an identifying Ebay name, in effect bashing him beyond his feedback on Ebay, extending it to this forum. Thinking before typing is always advisable. We all regret things we do, but it has not been mentioned whether or not the entire transaction/product was satisfactory, so we shall assume it was. I feel a 5 buck problem is not worth discussing. Again, My Opinion Get it on...........Tom
    Theseus likes this.
    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

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  14. #20
    Senior Member BenjamanBarker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    When the auction states 'Economy Shipping' there is no reason to expect getting priority, or next day, or express, even if the shipping charges are $100.....

    BTW you placed two bids on that item, i.e. you were willing to pay more. Nobody else bid on the razor, so you paid the minimum the seller was willing to sell it for, including the shipping. Which means you got a deal (paid less than what you were willing), while the seller didn't (got the minimum he wanted).
    I didn't expect priority or anything but economy shipping. I was using the flat rate box as an example and knew it would brought up that those are priorty mail but I expected economy shipping.

    As for the 2 bids yes there were,1 normal self entered bid and one a snipe I set up after placing that bid since I had to start my show (work in theatre) and wasn't able to watch the auction end. So yes I did get a deal I was surprised there were no other bids.

    also the feedback that I left was positive i didn't choose neutral or negative (as I DO think that would be uncalled for) I just chose to write what I was disappointed in. I also guess I use the feedback system different when deciding to purchase from a seller. But I do very much appreciate your guys feedback and opinions on this here!!!

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