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Thread: Was it out of line.......
12-17-2011, 05:49 PM #1
Was it out of line.......
Hey guys so i wanted to get some feed back about something to see if it was out of line......I won this item HERE now this is not about the crazy awesome deal i got my issue is this. The seller clearly has stated $8 and that is what i was charged.......yes i agree a bit high but i usually wait to see packing/actual cost before saying it was ridiculous.....well i got the item yesterday and it was packed in a Small THIN bubble envelope (FWIW it was holiday decorated with penguins on it) and the razor inside was wrapped in a small 5"x5" piece of THIN bubble wrap and the ACTUAL cos on the package $ i left feed back accordingly...
"Great seller!! Fast but OVER CHARGED FOR SHIPPING $8 paid for $2.51 actual cost!"
also based on the star ratting of the 5 categories this seller has just over 4stars on the shipping option and almost all 5 in the others.
so was it out of line for me to leave feedback in that nature???
oh i also received this message from the seller this morning........
"hey jerk for what u gotshipping and that is about average that razor at you cant say much about
i wrote back but will wait to see if you guys agree that $8 is high for shipping and if my feedback was out of line.....
thanksLast edited by BenjamanBarker; 12-18-2011 at 04:19 AM.
12-17-2011, 06:00 PM #2
You should probably remember that it is shipping and handling. Not only did he pay to ship it, but he also bought the padded envelope and who knows how far he had to drive to get to a post office to mail it. So IMO, $8 is not completely unreasonable for shipping, especially since you agreed to pay for it.
12-17-2011, 06:05 PM #3
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Thanked: 13249Many use the entire cost of shipping for shipping charges,, ie: time and gas to go to the PO
The actual cost of those evelopes is in my neck of the woods .75 - $1.25 which is why I went to boxes from U-line
I charge $6 for CONUS insured shipping for 1-3 razors unless the insurance is really high it will actually cost me about $5 for the shipping plus the cost of the box...
Now if I had to pay for my car and gas I might add $1 or $2 but right now I am lucky and drive for free at my real job so I don't charge the extra... I also save and re-use every piece of packing material I can lay my hands on, which I get quite a bit here at work, so I don't charge for that either, but if somebody doesn't have access to that like I do, you would have to buy it....
Now at $2.51 it seems he just mailed it First class no Insurance... add the cost of the envelope, and the packaging, let's say he is at $4 plus getting it to the PO
Is the shipping high or low??? I am not saying, I am just giving you some numbers as I know them
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AxelH (01-18-2012), BenjamanBarker (12-17-2011), cudarunner (12-17-2011)
12-17-2011, 06:23 PM #4
Oh i realize there is handling involved as well and im not debating that i agreed to pay the $ is more the fact that a) there was NO insurance and b) that a flat rate box is around $5 and yes the auction stated Economy Shipping and a flat rate box is Priority. it is more the issue of the fact that they felt the need to send a rude email in the face of what was POSITIVE feed back and just stating the facts.....had it been in a box with insurance there would have been no issue and wouldn't have batted an eye at the $8 and even in a box i probably wouldn't have taken issue. like i said i paid it no problem it was just jarring to get that email this morning.
12-17-2011, 09:26 PM #5
IMHO , you knowingly agreed to pay $8 for economy shipping . You got economy shipping . You have nothing to complain about . You were wrong to bust this sellers chops . I do agree with you , that the seller was wrong to give you a rude reply . They should have been civil in their reply . Being rude just makes them look like an idiot .
Greetings , from Dundalk , Maryland . The place where normal people , fear to go .
12-17-2011, 09:39 PM #6
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Thanked: 4806 of this, half a dozen of that. For 8 dollars, I expect at the very least a good wrapping of bubbles. They skimped, on a delicate item. Instead of saying "they overcharged me" I would have opted for " could have been better packaged"
12-17-2011, 09:55 PM #7
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Thanked: 247Yeah, I tend to side with the seller in most instances. This is not exception. You bid on it knowing it was gonna be that price. Even if he had a brother at the post office, and it didn't cost him a dime to ship it, you still agreed to the charge. Doesn't make much sense to agree to something, then leave a negative feedback about it. In addition, if you truly felt duped somehow, you should have contacted the seller first. Maybe he'd have cut you a break. You've effectively damaged the mans reputation, because you didn't agree with what you agreed to...
12-17-2011, 10:22 PM #8
I have dealt on ebay for a long time as both a seller and a buyer. I would consider it bad form to hit the seller with a nasty comment without first contacting them and letting them know what your concerns are. In most cases they go out of their way to make things right, mainly since a negative comment (and especially one so pointed) cannot be corrected and will definitely lower future sales.
12-17-2011, 10:25 PM #9
I've started only to leave feedback if the seller makes an attempt to neatly package the item. If it comes only mailed in brown grocery store bag paper as a mailer and padded with 2 layers of newspaper I don't leave feedback no matter how nice the razor is.
(best one so far was a paper butter box with paper towel, wrapped I brown paper).Last edited by Johnus; 12-17-2011 at 10:28 PM.
12-17-2011, 10:36 PM #10
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Thanked: 2591Your links do not work, they just take me to the e-bay home page.
On the shipping if the seller listed the price @ $8 so be it, but you can dispute the price with customer service and let him explain to them how come he charged so much for first class shipping.
In some cases for me the seller would on their own refund the difference from the actual shipping amount and what they charged me, but I have not seen many of those.Stefan