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Thread: A Moral(ish) Question

  1. #31
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    I'm not sure I understand the original question. Is there supposed to be a relation between the spirit of SRP and ebay?
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  2. #32
    Junior Member Brodyaga's Avatar
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    This is one tough discussion. When I am surfing the bay, it seems like alot of the ads fall into automatic categories for me.

    First you look for the sellers who just dont know what they are selling. You hope for a good description and good photos, but even then you are hoping for the best till the day your item arrives. These are where there are some bargains to be had....and alot of heartache as well.

    There are the Origional and restored beauties, all with high price tags and *probably* worth it. These I tend to assume are from true enthousiasts, possibly members here. Bidding is usually high, and BIN are higher!

    Then there are the dealers. High prices for rusted old razors, because they are collectible. It is sometimes fun to look at these high priced BIN and look at the Updates/Revisions. I found several ads that had been continually reposted and revised for over a year! I think that most of the sellers in this category are NOT SRP members, and certanly have no real interest in the community in general. That being said, throw out an offer and take a risk.

    From what I've seen, the people who are asking ridiculously high prices and driving up the cost of many of our toys are NOT members. As has already been mentioned, most of us know an approximate value of a piece. I hope we are not the ones buying $30 broken unmarked solingen blades with chipped scales. At least no knowingly

    While I have not personally bought from a memeber here on SRP, I am certain that by buying from them you are limiting your risk of getting a bad deal. And you are supporting the people who make this site available to all of us.

  3. #33
    Natty Boh dave5225's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hoglahoo View Post
    I'm not sure I understand the original question. Is there supposed to be a relation between the spirit of SRP and ebay?
    I apologize for going off the original topic . We all have our own opinions .
    Greetings , from Dundalk , Maryland . The place where normal people , fear to go .

  4. #34
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    I know I'm breaking our code of not linking to live auctions, but since I know no one here will bid on this, I think its okay. Plus, I think this might support the original thought of the OP.

    This guy should be stoned (or maybe he is) for selling a $16 razor as vintage for $50. Then calling it rare just puts him into a new level of eBay hell.

  5. #35
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    I think a BIG part of this issue is the "Standard Guide to Razors". They give formula's on how to "estimate the collector value" of a razor. I personally feel that the writers of this book, Roy Ritchie & Ron Stewart, had the actual intention of pushing up the prices because they are collectors. As most collectors are, they would like to see their collection increase in value. In the book I have, Third Edition, they have a section on "Appraising Your Razor" & "Appraisal Chart".

    They give an example:

    a-Brand and Origin Base value
    b-Age Adjustment value
    c-Handle Material value
    d-Artwork % value
    e-Condition % value
    f-Collector Value

    So, in the example, they took the Brand and Origin base value of $20, multiplied by the age adjustment of 1.5, which equaled $30, the "enhanced base value". This figure is multiplied by the handle material value of 300%, which equaled $90. The enhanced base of $30 multiplied by artwork % value of 300% equaled $90. You then take the sum of these two values and multiply it by the condition value, example states 100%, which equaled $180...the collector value.

    Personally, I feel that this figure & formula is just plain silly...created to persuade the reader feel that the razor is worth more than what it is. The formula's given are purely subjective of opinion on each line item, thus cannot work...: Brand and Origin Base value, Age Adjustment value, Handle Material value, Artwork % value, Condition % value, and Collector value.

    The term value or worth is purely what another is willing to pay for a certain item. Still, I think that this book may be part of the issue with some of the crazy prices found at various auction sites and even some of the antique stores.
    Omega1975 likes this.
    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

  6. #36
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shooter74743 View Post
    Personally, I feel that this figure & formula is just plain silly...created to persuade the reader feel that the razor is worth more than what it is.
    Maybe to a certain part of the market that is the case, but I noticed they don't give extra points for big 8/8 razors or Filarmonica or Dubl Duck or the flavor of the month razors that sell for 10 times what Ritchie and Stewart suggest
    ScottGoodman likes this.
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  7. #37
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SixNipples View Post
    I know I'm breaking our code of not linking to live auctions

    This guy should be stoned (or maybe he is) for selling a $16 razor as vintage for $50. Then calling it rare just puts him into a new level of eBay hell.
    Hmmm. I think this is telling. Nice that you acnowledged the breaking of the "code", but it clearly says vintage "style' and new 2011 model.
    Perhaps many complaints arise from not reading and absorbing titles and descriptions? Perhaps you could lay down your stones, remove the rope from his neck, and the link as well. JMHO
    Last edited by sharptonn; 01-24-2012 at 07:00 PM.
    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

  8. #38
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    You're right. Vintage "style" did slip by my eyes. But I still take exception to the use of "rare" when a Google search clearly exposes this for what it is--a $15 razor easily available.

    And I pointed this one out because it was a new listing. I've seen other sellers do it before. One was buy a guy who had been posting a ton of great vintage razors. I contacted him and he admitted that he did slip up in the listing and took it down. For him, I was more concerned about his reputation so he was very appreciative for my message.

  9. #39
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    Like it or not, this is typical of online auction site sellers...just another valid reason that most of us recommend that newer straight users stay away from online auctions. The sellers typically know in their heart that they are being misleading, but the greed of making a sale gets in the way. Greed tends to be the root of what is driving most of our economies (worldwide) down the tubes.
    Ryan82 and Del1r1um like this.
    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

  10. #40
    Senior Member proximus26's Avatar
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    Guys, I`m just starting this passion but I would suggest to be reasonable and stop this discussion. Greed was always fuel of many bad thing happening on our planet so… we will just discuss this topic forever.
    My believe is that sometimes good seller will sell me good razor for good price as I don`t know really what "real price is" for vintage razor. When I see price W&B for $700 I just smile and move forward. Regards sell… personally I prefer to restore blade and give it to friend as a gift. It make me somehow really happy person and I forget about all this greedy persons on eBay… just a small human touch into old vintage razor and I feel better:-) Luckily I have some other european sources of razors which I use (you are welcome to ask me where I got it from and I will be welcome to help you buy razors if YOU REALLY needed) and I give you few examples I bought with pricing just for comparison vs eb…

    So here they are my real purchases and real price (converted to $). Please don`t be mad on me if you don`t like this post :-(

    I didn`t bought this J.A.HENCKLES.SOLINGEN ZWILLINGSWERK but with S&H was about $22
    Name:  2056525422.jpg
Views: 104
Size:  138.6 KB

    This one I got S&H for $4
    Name:  1993628459.jpg
Views: 90
Size:  31.6 KB

    This one I got S&H for $5.5
    Name:  2045488979_2.jpg
Views: 92
Size:  53.1 KB

    This one I got S&H for $9.5
    Name:  2055551113_1.jpg
Views: 91
Size:  37.8 KB

    This one I got S&H for $18
    Name:  2039425188.jpg
Views: 129
Size:  75.1 KB

    This one I got S&H for $8
    Name:  2052301571.jpg
Views: 94
Size:  38.8 KB

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