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  1. #11
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Keep in mind double duck was a trade name for the Pearlduck, Bresduck and Bresnick brands. None of these companies ever made anything they were suppliers to the trade mostly. We really don't have a clue who made the razors for them only that most were made in Solingen, Germany. Who knows maybe Puma made all their razors for them. The shaving characteristics of DDs are very close to those of Puma's. The fact that a Puma/Duck surfaced makes one think.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  2. #12
    Member Scarface Germany's Avatar
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    It doesnīt shave at all momentary but used to be a good shaver.
    Right now itīs being restored since it caught rust and the scales really werenīt original.

    I hope to receive more pictures when the scales have been replaced and the polishing job is finished.

    Could it be that Bresduck quit doing business with puma and other German suppliers when the USA entered WW2?
    Maybe Puma has had already produced a stock of blades for Bresduck which have never been delivered to the USA because of the "disturbed political relation" to the Germans.
    Instead of remaking the blades, they could have just stamped the regular Puma-logo on the shank and sold them on the german or some allied market?
    Only a wild guess of mine, though!

  3. #13
    Senior Member Padron's Avatar
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    That's funny,

    I have the same's a great shaver and the scales appear to be original...

    Blade closes fine but it's really close...still need to cleanup the blade sorry..

    Last edited by Padron; 05-02-2007 at 02:39 AM.

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