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Thread: Did you steal my Frederick Reynolds razor?

  1. #1
    Senior Master Tinker WhiteLion's Avatar
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    Default Did you steal my Frederick Reynolds razor?

    I watched a Frederick Reynolds razor on eBay when it was listed for $49.99. I asked the seller, pollyannas, if the item did not sell, would he sell it to me through a Buy It Now listing for $25 including s/h charges. I was surprised when I got a notification from Chuck (aka pollyannas) that yes indeed he would. He said it would be re-listed at 7:30 pm EST. So I watched for it and watched for it, but no listing ever came up. Finally, at 12:30 my time, I went to bed. The next day I again went to the seller's listings and there was nothing for the razor. So I checked the "Completed Listings" and sure enough, the razor was there and had been sold. Seems the listing went online at 7:00 pm EST and not 7:30 pm as the seller represented. It was purchased by some thieving sole 7 minutes after it was listed.

    Give me back my razor you thief!!!!

    All is in jest. I hope who ever got the razor will appreciate it and bring it back to life. Here is the misbegotten razor, I mean the razor the lucky winner slimed in like a leech and won.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Frederick Reynolds eBay.jpg 
Views:	1126 
Size:	30.3 KB 
ID:	104666

    All kidding aside, the razor was too big for me. But I love the heavy swayback spine. If anyone has any suggestions for a 5/8" razor that has the same characteristics with a hollow ground instead of the wedge the Reynolds has, I would greatly appreciate any input you can give me.

    “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” Ben Franklin

  2. #2
    Incidere in dimidium Cangooner's Avatar
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    I think I was watching that one too, but it wasn't me! Honest!

    Here's hoping it found a good home.

    It was in original condition, faded red, well-worn, but nice.
    This was and still is my favorite combination; beautiful, original, and worn.
    -Neil Young

  3. #3
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    That's no wedge! That type is known as a "rattler". Good shavers!
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  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Not me man

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Wasn't me either but don't give up hope. Old Fred made more than one.
    nun2sharp and sharptonn like this.

  6. #6
    Obsessive compulsive EisenFaust's Avatar
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    Bummer dude. I conviced a seller to do me a buynow on a nice Wade & Butcher the other day but just as they were going to add the option for me someone bid (and then they couldn't change it of course). Sometimes it pays to watch and wait, sometimes you have to go guns blazing and bid to oblivion! the fun is knowing when to do what Enjoy the hunt for another Fred!

  7. #7
    Senior Master Tinker WhiteLion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cangooner View Post
    I think I was watching that one too, but it wasn't me! Honest!
    It is always the guilty who come forward first to proclaim their innocence! I think Shakespeare said it best over 400 years ago: 'Me thinks thou doth protest too much' (a paraphrase)! So I put you at the top of my list until I read your "Signature".

    If I am not mistaken it reads thus: "Let us consider where our true home is; and then let us think how to come thither;." And if I am not further mistaken, the ending of that saying is: "and then also strive that we indeed come there."

    After reading that, I knew for a certainty that you could not be the culprit.

    Like you, I do hope the razor found a good home.

    Hope I didn't screw up the Seafarer interpretation too much.

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    “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” Ben Franklin

  8. #8
    Incidere in dimidium Cangooner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteLion View Post

    Hope I didn't screw up the Seafarer interpretation too much.

    Not at all - you nailed it!

    It was in original condition, faded red, well-worn, but nice.
    This was and still is my favorite combination; beautiful, original, and worn.
    -Neil Young

  9. #9
    Senior Master Tinker WhiteLion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    That's no wedge! That type is known as a "rattler". Good shavers!
    Okay guys, Cangooner is off the hook. My next suspect is sharptonn. Notice how he did not deny purchasing the razor and tried to use a diversion to deflect the thread from its intended goal of finding that slithery snake who stole my razor! Just a little too odd for my taste. I am going to watch for him posting a new Frederick Reynolds he will say he found at a garage sale. Yeah, not likely. It came from eBay as a Buy It Now for $24.99.
    Last edited by WhiteLion; 08-25-2012 at 01:43 AM. Reason: easier to read
    sharptonn and Cangooner like this.
    “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” Ben Franklin

  10. #10
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteLion View Post
    Okay guys, Cangooner is off the hook. My next suspect is sharptonn. Notice how he did not deny purchasing the razor and tried to use a diversion to deflect the thread from its intended goal of finding that slithery snake who stole my razor! Just a little too odd for my taste. I am going to watch for him posting a new Frederick Reynolds he will say he found at a garage sale. Yeah, not likely. It came from eBay as a Buy It Now for $24.99.
    Twerent me! I am all Fredded out! Honest!
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