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Thread: Friodur

  1. #21
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    Thanks....thats a start

  2. #22
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    Maybe in the Wiki you can find something similar to what you are looking at. Such as:

    Henckels, J. A. "Friodur" 7/8 - Straight Razor Place Wiki

    That can at least give you more background on a specific razor. You could also post back here and folks could tell you if they have run into them in the past or if it is a rare razor? I think you get from some of the responses that number values don't really fly here. Keep in mind many of this board are also people who sell these things! We try to keep those interactions one on one to be fair on everyone!

    I can say this: If you found it for sale online, obviously at least someone in that shop thinks they will get that price for it! I have yet to even look at most of those sites as they are outside of my buying range and I prefer to spend less and have a little restoration work to do...

  3. #23
    I used Nakayamas for my house mainaman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yellaheel View Post
    Again Thanks for the suggestion. I tried again and none of these razors compare to the one I found. Much more ornate and cleaner looking blade than any on ebay. Even the new ones. Different stamps and different etch.......Should that not be taken into consideration?
    may be you can post a pic of that razor fr us to see?
    On Friodurs I have seen plain spine, scalloped and flower pattern, what does the one you re considering look like?

  4. #24
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    I only have a phone cam that didn't and wont take a clear enough image through a window to be of any use. only in town through tommorow. just in time for shop to open and hit the road so no luck there. If you would like to see the razor it appears to be the same as the one i originally mentioned at classic shaveing....

  5. #25
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Seriously, you might be lucky they were closed. This gives you time to research and find out what a fair price is on it. You might give the shopkeeper a call tomorrow and inquire. Who knows? Perhaps a better deal can be garnered over the phone! Good Luck!
    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

  6. #26
    The First Cut is the Deepest! Magpie's Avatar
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    Since there is no Friudor currently listed at Classic Shaving, I can only hazzard a guess. Any clue to the blade width? 5/8? 11/16? 8/8?

    You're really not giving us much to work with.

  7. #27
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    Google-ling your term led me to this result at Classicshaving, but searching their site doesn't. That means it is a price they likely sold the razor at some point in the past? Not sure

    ""MINT CONDITION - Friodur "Inox" J.A. Henckels - Solingen, 13/16, Half-Hollow, Color-Etched, Round Point, White Razor with ORIGINAL coffin, plastic sheath, AND instructions

    Seems like a nice razor. I would certainly be inquiring the shop to see what they want for it. Just know what you would find to be a decent price (Based solely on your budget and desire) and don't pay more than that for it! If he comes in under that price, still try to negotiate it down! I have been watching a couple Friodurs on ebay and they all go for well above what I want to spend right now. If the condition is truly NOS I would hope that the seller doesn't quite know what they have!
    gooser likes this.

  8. #28
    Senior Member sheajohnw's Avatar
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    Google search on Friodur 72 1/2 turns up a lot of hits about this model razor, including pictures:

    friodur 72 1/2 razor - Google Search

    perusing them may be helpful.

  9. #29
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I have had good luck using advanced search in ebay 'completed items' when trying to get a current ballpark market price on this, that, or the other.

  10. #30
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    Darned if all this talk about a Friodur hasn't gotten me wanting to aquire one again! RAD is a hard one to keep in check!

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