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Thread: PSA: Beard reduction

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    6 Passes?? I do 6 passes in three weeks
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  2. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Regardless of how many passes people use or don't use I think the key point in the OP is that gradual stubble reduction is the way to go. This post is in the beginners section and I wonder how many beginners try to remove "all" their stubble in the first pass using way too much pressure and setting themselves up for massive razor burn. That is not to mention the disappointment they may feel in not being able to accomplish that having had unrealistically high expectations of what a straight is capable of in the hands of a beginner.

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  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by BobH View Post
    That is not to mention the disappointment they may feel in not being able to accomplish that having had unrealistically high expectations of what a straight is capable of in the hands of a beginner.

    I started SR shaving yesterday and so have a total of 2 attempts under my belt. And I only did the sideburns to the jawline with the grain for one pass with small strokes to get the feel for it and progress slowly. I did expect for more to come off even with a first pass. There was definitely visible whiskers. Is this because I was going WTG? I was tempted to go back for more passes and even to apply more pressure (although fortunately I had heard many times not to do that so I didn't do that). But it was a natural thought to me as a beginner.

  4. #14
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smpinkerman View Post
    I started SR shaving yesterday and so have a total of 2 attempts under my belt. And I only did the sideburns to the jawline with the grain for one pass with small strokes to get the feel for it and progress slowly. I did expect for more to come off even with a first pass. There was definitely visible whiskers. Is this because I was going WTG? I was tempted to go back for more passes and even to apply more pressure (although fortunately I had heard many times not to do that so I didn't do that). But it was a natural thought to me as a beginner.
    This is an older thread but as you've read there are many opinions.

    First off, your doing very well:

    Keep working on your technique/angles, make sure that you aren't using pressure, and let the weight of the blade do the work. Dont worry about trying other things like ATG, stick to going WTG. After you master that, then you can try the other passes.

    Keep on the sideburn area until you are getting better results.

    Also please take your time when you are stropping! Many, many an edge has been ruined by improper stropping. Stropping will Improve an Edge, Not Damage It.

    What so many don't understand is that in the years gone by when a young man started to need to shave he had his father, older brother, an uncle or even a neighbor to help guide him 'In Person/Hands On ' and not by writing him a letter/like I'm doing.

    I highly encourage you to include at least your general location in your Profile because there might be either a mentor or a Mod or a more experienced member near by to help you hands on. It has happened!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Keep at it, take your time and go slow! It's a long strange trip, but well worth the journey:to
    Last edited by cudarunner; 04-12-2014 at 02:04 AM.
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  6. #15
    Senior Member deepweeds's Avatar
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    Imagine an adult learning to write cursive with a fountain pen. She has bad habits from carving into paper with a ball point, and probably never was taught cursive that well in the first place. It's going to be a while before her efforts look like fine calligraphy! And she's going to ruin some nibs and paper along the way.
    Keep your pivot dry!

  7. #16
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by deepweeds View Post
    Imagine an adult learning to write cursive with a fountain pen. She has bad habits from carving into paper with a ball point, and probably never was taught cursive that well in the first place. It's going to be a while before her efforts look like fine calligraphy! And she's going to ruin some nibs and paper along the way.
    That's a very interesting and informative way of describing the 'learning curve'. I like it! :

    Thank you.
    deepweeds likes this.
    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

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