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Thread: please help me get my razor shave ready i have pics of my edge

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Substance View Post
    in the last couple of the pics when you zoom in, it looks like there is still a micro bevel so you have missed the actual bevel set possibly.
    was the razor honed with tape innitially? & did you hone without tape to change the angle slightly
    learnt this the hard way also when honing with no success for ages
    i dont know if it was honed with tape initially but i used tape when i honed it

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by ace View Post
    I'd avoid using the finger to steady the toe of the razor. Your photo shows that the toe might be getting more honing than the rest of the blade. Keeping the razor flat on the hone will be facilitated by keeping the elbow of your honing arm level with or above the level of the hone. Not doing so tends to allow the toe to rise as you've experienced. Not fixing that before you hone further won't allow the Pyramid or any other method to produce good results. To my eye, it appears that there is a convex quality to your bevel, meaning that the blade is not always flat on the hone and different areas of the bevel are getting honed variously.
    ill try with one hand again

  3. #13
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    If you could post a video of you honing it'd be worth evaluating. I do use two hands, one finger on the toe, but very light.

    You've done what you've done now, but I can't help wondering why you dived straight to a 4k? Of course, you might have shaved with it for a year without honing for all I know, but as tempting as it may be, one should (in my opinion) use the least 'invasive' option first. You may have found 20 laps on the 8k would have brought the edge back.

    It sounds to me that maybe you're now right back to a bevel setting stage; and with all due respect that may at this stage be beyond you.

    I would suggest sending it back out to be brought back to shave ready, and then next time it starts to tug, etc, just doing a few on the 8; or even buying a higher grit stone to refresh the edge.

    I'm NO expert, but I've always honed my own razors, and have kept them all shave ready for two years. Generally, I only get the Norton 4/8 out once or twice a year, unless I get a new razor i want to set my own bevel on. The rest of the time (maybe every two to three months for each razor) it's a minimal (10 - 20) laps on the Shapton 16k...

    I do hope this helps.
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  4. #14
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevenn21 View Post
    no it wasnt popping hairs on the 4k should it be?
    I do believe so, that is an indication that your bevel is set, I don't think yours is. I would not move up to higher grits till you can cut arm hair off of the 4K.

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  5. #15
    Senior Member souschefdude's Avatar
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    This is where I disagree with common knowledge.
    I have never been able to get arm hair to pop on anything less than an 8k. I have however gotten it after the 8k and have honed several dozen this way, all great shavers.
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  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by carlmaloschneider View Post
    If you could post a video of you honing it'd be worth evaluating. I do use two hands, one finger on the toe, but very light.

    You've done what you've done now, but I can't help wondering why you dived straight to a 4k? Of course, you might have shaved with it for a year without honing for all I know, but as tempting as it may be, one should (in my opinion) use the least 'invasive' option first. You may have found 20 laps on the 8k would have brought the edge back.

    It sounds to me that maybe you're now right back to a bevel setting stage; and with all due respect that may at this stage be beyond you.

    I would suggest sending it back out to be brought back to shave ready, and then next time it starts to tug, etc, just doing a few on the 8; or even buying a higher grit stone to refresh the edge.

    I'm NO expert, but I've always honed my own razors, and have kept them all shave ready for two years. Generally, I only get the Norton 4/8 out once or twice a year, unless I get a new razor i want to set my own bevel on. The rest of the time (maybe every two to three months for each razor) it's a minimal (10 - 20) laps on the Shapton 16k...

    I do hope this helps.
    once i got it honed to shave ready when i felt it start tugging again(after about 7-10 shaves) i tried using the 8k to bring the edge back but it didnt work i have 400/1000 combi 6000/10000 combi aswell as the 4000/8000 norton

  7. #17
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by souschefdude View Post
    This is where I disagree with common knowledge.
    I have never been able to get arm hair to pop on anything less than an 8k. I have however gotten it after the 8k and have honed several dozen this way, all great shavers.
    I would not say pop, I mean easily cut a single hair using different points alone the blade. It is the only test I do and use it to see if my bevel is set when using either a 1K or 3K Nani as a bevel setter. I don't do any other tests of hair cutting at the higher grit levels. Each to their own way I suppose. Regardless I still would suspect an unset bevel. Then again being a beginner at honing what do I know.

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  8. #18
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    The Bevel has to be set ... Period, there is no shortcut..

    There are 3 tests that are used to check a bevel set from toe to heel

    TNT = Thumb Nail Test
    AHT = Arm Hair Test
    TPT = Thumb Pad Test

    You have to develop one of these to work ABSOLUTELY without doubt for you, having more then one is better, but not everyone can use all of them effectively, in my case the TNT and the AHT never fail me, the TPT is not reliable enough for me to use...

    You can use a DE blade to test your tests and see what the feel should be like, but you have to get the bevel absolutely set otherwise you are doing nothing but polishing the sides of the bevel.. Once you learn how to set a bevel, honing becomes way easier, and more of a matter of learning when enough is enough

    This is an entire thread dedicated to using only the Norton 4/8 to hone razors, there is more information packed into this one place then you will ever need or want
    Last edited by gssixgun; 11-11-2013 at 05:44 PM.
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  9. #19
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by souschefdude View Post
    This is where I disagree with common knowledge.
    I have never been able to get arm hair to pop on anything less than an 8k. I have however gotten it after the 8k and have honed several dozen this way, all great shavers.
    Good call, I have not been able to tree top arm hair with any blade, freshly pro honed or my own. Old or very fine hair may not tree top at all. I do get HHT flop overs though. But for the HHT, I use a human hair wig I picked up during a special at a beauty supply store.
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  10. #20
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geezer View Post
    Good call, I have not been able to tree top arm hair with any blade, freshly pro honed or my own. Old or very fine hair may not tree top at all. I do get HHT flop overs though. But for the HHT, I use a human hair wig I picked up during a special at a beauty supply store.
    Please, I am NOT talking about "tree topping" or "popping" arm hair off of a 1K or 3K Nani merely being able to easily cut arm hairs at skin level. Different things altogether.

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