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Thread: Beginner 2nd razor/strop

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    I prefer my 6/8 wide razor to my narrower ones, but it is also a frameback so the blade is a lot thinner too.
    Not sure with regards to the strop, a lot of guys use paddles and get on with them fine, they can also be used anywhere and are easier to travel with as far as I know, however I only have a hanging strop.
    Though even with a wider strop you should still be doing an x pattern at least a bit.
    Last edited by edhewitt; 12-09-2013 at 05:05 AM.
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  2. #12
    Senior Member rmagnus's Avatar
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    I totally get buying what you want but trust me if you are going to stick with SR shaving you're going to own several razors. I'd recommend a round point to start. RA makes a few round points. It's hard to go wrong with their 5/8 round point for a C-Note.

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  4. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MCSheets View Post
    Thanks for the responses. My current razor is about 5/8. I'm pretty confident that a 6/8 would be ok. For some reason, I still can't decide between a hanging or paddle strop. I feel that the paddle strop would give me better immediate results, but maybe I shouldn't focus so much on short term success. I think having that extra inch of width, regardless of strop type, is going to make things a lot easier. Would the main advantage of a hanging strop be the additional stropping surface? Or is it just personal preference?
    Personally I don't think a hanging strop is really much of an issue. As long as you keep it taught your using the same pressure anyhow and think if you stuff a razor you will probably do it no matter what your stropping on. And yes that extra acreage is very useful. Go slow to start and you will be fine. You have the old strop to practice on so try it and you will be surprised how easy it is and quickly you pick it up. Good luck what ever you decide. Ed
    edhewitt likes this.
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  6. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrWiggly View Post
    Well, I procrastinated too long and the Grenadilla wood is now gone for Spanish Point so it looks like I will be delaying my purchase for some time again until it is restocked or they get some Micarta. Don't really care for the Olive Wood look. Sometimes I do, mostly I don't, ha.
    The grenadilla Spanish point was my first choice. I'm actually considering a round point now as I don't care much for the olive wood either and being a beginner it might be wiser anyway.

  7. #15
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    Yeah. I'm going to hold out for a Spanish Point in rosewood or grenadilla.

    I don't want the round point.

  8. #16
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    Apparently, I've been in denial about how indecisive I really am. Was pretty set on the modular paddle strop and Ralf Aust 6/8 micarta when, for some reason, I decided to take another look at the bundle kits on SRD. I am a sucker for good deals, and those are a pretty good deal. For the same price as the RA razor and the modular paddle strop I could get a dovo 6/8 with all the upgrades I would want (silvertip brush #1 or 3 and English Bridle strop). I previously decided against this route so I could get a paddle strop. I've only owned one brush up to this point, a vulfix pure badger with 22mm knot, i think. Any thoughts on how important of an upgrade those brushes would be as opposed to getting the nicer RA razor instead? I'm sure the Dovo would shave just fine, so should I get over its less than appealing to me looks?

  9. #17
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    Made up my mind and ordered a kit with the dovo 6/8, premium II strop and the SRD #1 brush.

  10. #18
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    I am also a beginner and I went with a Dovo 6/8 bismarck. I bought the kit and it was a wise decison because it got me on my feet right away. You will soon get more razors and it is important to buy what appeals to your taste. I have since bought a 5/8 Dovo and I can't really tell any difference in use. Good Luck!

  11. #19
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    Got everything in yesterday. The razor looks much better in person. It feels quite different than my razor from whipped dog. Almost have to start over learning, not that I had gotten too far. Having used a $40 pure badger brush for a year or so, the SRD silver tip felt WAY different and not entirely in a good way. Much floppier and took a lot longer to lather. It is unbelievably soft on my face though. The strop had some visible cupping and was only contacting the ends of the razor at first, but it's gotten better with some palm rubbing. Having changed every variable in my shave, I'm going to wait to pass judgment til I have a better feel for all the new equipment. I'm confident I will grow to love all the new stuff. The extra area on the strop feels awesome. So much easier to use.

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