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Thread: I have no idea where to purchase.

  1. #11
    Vitandi syslight's Avatar
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    You might also want to try vintage blades or whipped dog (he is even in tx) those 2 and SRD are your hands down best choices here in the US.
    Be just and fear not.

  2. #12
    Senior Member Raol's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrMat View Post
    I have no idea where to start and the best place to buy a straight razor kit + essentials. Anyone?
    Now that you are completely confused,.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Hirlau View Post
    read as much as you can,,there are guides for beginners
    Read, read and read some more then you will have a better idea of what questions to ask.
    Keep in mind that at any time you can chose a member and contact directly for answers to any questions you may have.
    We are all here for you buddy
    S.L.A.M.,.......SHAVE LIKE A MAN!!!
    Not like a G.I.R.L. (Gentleman In Razor Limbo)

  3. #13
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    Hello and Welcome to SRP!!!

    I have to agree with most of the comments above, SRD has some great stuff and an amazing service.
    If you want to go and see for yourself, I bet you can find "The Art Of Shaving" there in TX and they also carry some straight razors, the good side about that is that you get to see and feel the blades, their weight and all... the downside is that they don't usually sell Shave Ready blades, which you'd have to hone or take it to some one to hone it for you. (that's what I did)

    Hope this helps.



  4. #14
    Chasing the Edge WadePatton's Avatar
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    Yes, but don't be in a big rush to get a blade. I found that learning to handle a D/E goes a long way to learning the "touch" and some of the angles/approaches needed for a SR shaving, whilst also exposing you to the very real experience of nicks and razor burn (also pre/post care). AND gives a great shave. It took me a LONG time to get as close with a SR as I could nearly instantly with a DE.

    Relax, enjoy the ride. Don't get caught up in the hype.

    And yes, if one had to spend all his shave $ at one single place, SRD would be a great choice.
    JBHoren and BobH like this.

  5. #15
    Senior Member DarthLord's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaveTheGeordie View Post
    If I lived in the USA I'd be onto Straight Razor Designs. Fantastic selection of everything you could need. I've also seen quite a few posts on Whipped Dog but again, I've never used them as I'm here in Blighty. Merry Christmas
    Pardon my ignorance, but why wouldn't you be able to order from them...?

  6. #16
    I'm a social vegan. I avoid meet. JBHoren's Avatar
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    Do you know what you need? Do you know what you want? I agree 100% with what WadePatton wrote: everything in it's time... walk before you run, and all that. Having a DE or SE always comes in handy, especially when you're going up the learning curve with a straight razor, and haven't quite gotten a handle on shaving your upper lip. If it was me, I'd spent a few bucks at a local antique store/flea market and pick up an inexpensive, used Gillette DE (and some new blades), buy a new shaving brush from Vintage Blades, one-or-two shaving sticks from QED, and learn how to get a 2- or 3-pass BBS shave.

    Hey, Smooth shaving!
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    You can have everything, and still not have enough.
    I'd give it all up, for just a little more.

  7. #17
    Junior Member MattAFLiving's Avatar
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    I agree when people say you should have a DE. I just started DE and SE shaving. I purchased a Merkur HD 34C on amazon for a decent price along with a sampler pack of blades. I also purchased a cheap Tweezerman Badger shaving brush. I used these for about a month while I perfected my pre-shave routine. I read a lot on ensuring you do the right prep or your shave won't be worth a damn and I now know the truth behind it all. Once I got comfortable with my shaving routine I ordered my SE from Make sure you read up on a the information on starting out with SE's. The learning curve is not something to dismiss. Starting out by just shaving on your dominant side will help build the confidence an skills needed to continue with the rest of your face, while avoiding making your skin look like you ran across your face with a cheese grader. Good luck!

  8. #18
    Have Married My Coticule
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    Whipped Dog will ship to Blighty, shipping at about £5 to the uk in general, if i recall. That would be a good way to go IMO.

  9. #19
    Have Married My Coticule
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    Just saw the date this topic was originally posted. Sorry, i totally missed it!

  10. #20
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    Did you end up picking something up?

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