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Thread: Ken Schwartz honing sprays?

  1. #11
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by souschefdude View Post
    My bad, I was using poor verbage to try to explain my observation. In my mind the "edge" is a part of the blade like the "toe" and the "heel" are parts, and the edge consists of the bevel. You are correct, the bevel creates the edge.
    My apologies.
    Just semantics.
    btw, good point about the incomplete bevel & frosty edges but he is @ 400x so it may exaggerate the pic.
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  2. #12
    Senior Member souschefdude's Avatar
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    This is true, a frosty edge at 400X might be 2 microns wide. I am tempted to send this guy one of my blades, especially one of the PIA stainless ones. The powder is too pricey for me to go that route, but a honing on a blade that takes me forever might be worth it...
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  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    The bevel on that razor is set and will shave keen and smoothly.

    It appears Matt is using a light ring with the Veho and that “frosty edge” is most probably a reflection of light, they do get quite shiny at that level of polish.

    That video is almost 2 years old. Matt is a member here, an accomplished honer and stone collector. I am sure he would hone a razor for you.
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  4. #14
    Member drmatt357's Avatar
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    I'm late to this party but someone on my video referenced this thread. First, thanks Marty and Todd. This video was my first over 4 years ago. I had been honing less than a year. I think the frosty edge is from the angle I was using and the Veho scope not being able to process that reflection. It's also possible it could have been a foil as I've now learned from Todd's SOS blog.

    Regarding the durability of these edges. They're just as strong as any and have the same longevity provided the steel is quality. Of course they won't look as pretty after use but with regular stropping they last.

    The "edge of the edge" term is something I picked up from Tom Blodgett who may have started out as a knife guy. It's simply a description of the edge and not the bevel.

    In the video, I said I would do 100 passes at each level. At this point, I do far less, like 20-25 on the half and finish with maybe half a dozen at the 0.050 level. From more experience and seeing the results on the Science of Sharp blog, it's pretty clear that's all that's needed.

    If anyone is interested in trying one of the edges, just shoot me a PM.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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  6. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by drmatt357 View Post
    I'm late to this party but someone on my video referenced this thread. First, thanks Marty and Todd. This video was my first over 4 years ago. I had been honing less than a year. I think the frosty edge is from the angle I was using and the Veho scope not being able to process that reflection. It's also possible it could have been a foil as I've now learned from Todd's SOS blog.

    Regarding the durability of these edges. They're just as strong as any and have the same longevity provided the steel is quality. Of course they won't look as pretty after use but with regular stropping they last.

    The "edge of the edge" term is something I picked up from Tom Blodgett who may have started out as a knife guy. It's simply a description of the edge and not the bevel.

    In the video, I said I would do 100 passes at each level. At this point, I do far less, like 20-25 on the half and finish with maybe half a dozen at the 0.050 level. From more experience and seeing the results on the Science of Sharp blog, it's pretty clear that's all that's needed.

    If anyone is interested in trying one of the edges, just shoot me a PM.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    Have you tried Ken's 5 nanometer diamond (.005 micron) yet

  7. #16
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    I figure if I just wave the razor around in the air for 30 seconds it will accomplish the same thing.
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  8. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    I figure if I just wave the razor around in the air for 30 seconds it will accomplish the same thing.
    No that will dull it. Unless your can attach the air to a substrate and strop it at a consistent angle

  9. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by 86azms3 View Post
    Have you tried Ken's 5 nanometer diamond (.005 micron) yet
    I haven't. I heard it is something like a 3 MILLION grit equivalent! Don't know if that is even perceptible. If I use the CBN nowadays, I rarely go finer than 1/10th.

  10. #19
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Few razors can handle a .10um CBN edges, nor can my skin. .10um will exfoliate any imperfections on my skin, (weepers) though it is very smooth.

    .125um CBN is plenty keen and smooth for me, I strop on it almost daily. Personally I don’t see the need for .0025 or .0050um paste, other than bragging rights.

  11. #20
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    I've been using .5 CBN on glass-mounted nanocloth as a follow-up to a shapton 16k as my refreshing routine, and have been very happy with the results. I imagine that the 1.0 followed by the .5 on glass-mounted nanocloth would be a pretty idiot-proof refreshing regiment, and that one could maintain a razor for a good long time using that combo.
    drmatt357 likes this.

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