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Thread: Gift for my son.. Kind of late, no time to shop/choose.

  1. #11
    Junior Member
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    Mar 2014
    Denton, TX
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    On topic: That's a really nice package. He won't be able to blame the tools if the shaves aren't going good.

    Off topic: My son just finished his Sophomore year at Baylor. It's a really nice school! He's with us through the summer and then he's officially moving into his first apartment in August. I've been talking up straight razors to him, considering he's studying to be a surgeon, I told him to start with his own face before he takes a scalpel to someone else. He says he doesn't think he'll have the time though.
    David from Denton

  2. #12
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Tomball, TX
    Thanked: 12


    On topic: Got all of the items from SRD via free express mail on Tuesday afternoon! It all looks great. They even called me Monday to let me know the soap scent I chose was out of stock, so the order would not be delayed. I am certainly hoping that he get some satisfying use out of it.

    Off topic: Congrats on your sons success. My son was a music education major and want to be a High School choir teacher. He stayed in the Honors Dorm (Alexander) for the first three years and moved out into one of the Baylor owned apartments just for his senior year. He was pretty successful in the transition from on campus to near-campus living. It was certainly good for him to experience living in an apartment with a kitchen, bathroom, etc. that had to be taken care of before having to do it for the first time in the "real" world post-graduation.
    pfries likes this.

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