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Thread: Multiple razors - why?

  1. #31
    Senior Member ultrasoundguy2003's Avatar
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    Default No you dont understand....

    Each razor has qualities that make it best for it style or type. What is your favorite kind of meat??? Beef , pork chicken lamb???.... What are the best kind of ribs? Beef?? Pork?? How are they prepared??
    Same rule applies to razors. So many are the best for their class,type size, what do you like best? what gets your face to BBS . Does a forged blade feel better than a stamped one?? Wedge?Half Hollow?Full Hollow?? 5/8,6/8,7/8.....You cant speak on it till you apply your skill set and the best tools to something irriplacable(your face)..
    Then there is soaps and brushes and all those variables.
    Yeah I have the disease. But its better than alcholism or drug addiction, and I swear I am going to thin out my collection....soon.. no I swear...really.
    10Pups, Dzanda and Haim like this.

  2. #32
    Senior Member blabbermouth nessmuck's Avatar
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    I have 6 fishing poles, 4 black powdah guns, 2 center fire guns, 2 longbows....I ain't stopping at (1) razor .......

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trimmy72 View Post
    You're speaking of R.A.D (Razor acquisition disorder) it runs rampant, there's no cure....LOL

    I think maybe it would have been to avoid a dull razor, or a broken razor at one time. I would think a minimum number of razors to have would be two and that would be to try and avoid these potential issues.
    Nah, we are like magpies who like shiny objects. LOL.

  4. #34
    Senior Member blabbermouth Substance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mglindo View Post
    Nah, we are like magpies who like shiny objects. LOL.
    That would be Bower birds LOL
    And yes we are for sure
    to shave another day.

  5. #35
    Senior Member ultrasoundguy2003's Avatar
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    If we were men cut from another cloth and time we would be collecting women for our harem and palaces across our land. Be here we are in America cica 2014.

  6. #36
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    Simple answer

    Because I can
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  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevekolt View Post
    Praying REAL hard that this doesn't take off like my knife/fountain pen/firearm hobbies did...
    Don't know if prayers can save you from this. If you've fallen for blades and barrels, wet shaving is next on the list. Clear off some space on your bathroom counter and start looking for a place to hang a strop.
    nodakjohns likes this.

  8. #38
    MJC is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haim View Post
    What's the reason to own multiple razors, putting aside the fact that their shiny and fun and make a nice collection :]
    It's a fool who looks for logic in the chambers of the human heart...

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  9. #39
    Senior Member blabbermouth OCDshaver's Avatar
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    I always was tempted to collect knives. A friend of mine and I both had a thing for knives. But I had no practical use for anything but my kitchen knives so I couldn't justify a collection. Figuratively speaking, FIGURATIVELY, razors scratch that same itch. I can appreciate and collect blades that I actually have a use for. But from a practical standpoint, there is no real NEED for more than a few razors. But ask yourself how much you NEED most things you buy/own. Do you need all the sport coats you own or could you get away with only one or two? Do you need the sports team shirts or hats you might have? The number of flat screen TVs you may have? You might be into sports, stamp collecting, wine, gardening, art, cycling, camping, or straight razors. But whatever winds your clock, you're probably spending more on it than others might justify or understand. It has little to do with need.

  10. #40
    Senior Member blabbermouth nicknbleeding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haim View Post
    Oh my god!
    There are people here who own 250 razors???

    And I tried to explain to my girlfriend why I need 2...

    Yet - I can't not be jealous of you...
    I have at least that many. Maybe more. I love the variety and uniqueness of them all. I still look when I'm at antique stores. Just in case. They each have their own personality when shaving with them.
    I have RAD and proud of it! Lol

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