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Thread: New to shaving, looking for a mentor.

  1. #41
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edhewitt View Post
    On yer bike shorty
    Oh very good. Talking about bikes; I'll be seeing you behind the bike shed shortly (talking about shortness)... Of course, it's ambiguous, we may fight or smoke behind the shed; which would you rather?
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  2. #42
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carlmaloschneider View Post
    Oh very good. Talking about bikes; I'll be seeing you behind the bike shed shortly (talking about shortness)... Of course, it's ambiguous, we may fight or smoke behind the shed; which would you rather?
    What you got to smoke ?
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  3. #43
    Member ElaMenthol's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quote View Post
    mild acne
    I do know chances are very big witch hazel is going to help you. I have a combination skin of mostly oily, which is worse then just dry or oily. I don't like lotions with a lot of alcohol, but many balms make my skin more oily.
    Thayers is a good brand, though any brand will do as a face tonic. However, as a after shave, burn and insect relieve this will do much better: Thayer's Medicated Superhazel. Per 3 they are cheaper.

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    The reason i think this might work very well for you is because:

    • it has a high concentration of witch hazel, which is great against acne, among a whole lot of skin problems
    • it contains alcohol, but not much
    • instead of relying on fats and oils to bring moisture and soften, which is not good for a oily skin it relies on aloe vera
    • it contains camphor to calm the skin of irritations
    • it contains peppermint to cool
    • it contains clove as a antiseptic
    • it contains calendula for skin repair

    You can at least try a bottle once. You can mix it with your favorite cologne if you want a scent. There's also witch hazel soap, which might be a great prep.
    Last edited by ElaMenthol; 08-24-2014 at 02:10 AM.
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  5. #44
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    +1 for Witch Hazel, I have oily skin but not the acne problem. Alcohol aftershave splashes, seem to increase oil production, at least that's what I notice. You may want to drop the Old spice and just use Witch Hazel to test that theory...I avoid balms too
    Just to give an example, I'll get a shower wash my face, and then use a wash cloth with witch hazel and still remove's amazing. About once a week I exfoliate my face too, with either a commercial brand or cheap baking soda.

  6. #45
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    You might try Lucky Tiger AS. It's alcohol free and has witchhazel in it. No burn goes on clean. Lucky Tiger | Men's Grooming Products
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  7. #46
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quote View Post
    Oh I didn't realize that mentor implied in person. I was just thinking someone to answer some of my personalized questions, and I had planned to visit The Art of Shaving for a lesson or two. An in person mentor would be great, but I don't think it's necessary. Either one would be very helpful.
    I do hope that you will find a local member who has a lot of experience because hands on learning is Invaluable! I learned more in the few hours that I was priviledged to spend at a Meet (a get together of fellow straight razor users hosted by Glen (GSSIXGUN) a Senior Mod and a restoration and honing Wizard) than I had in Months of Reading and Watching Videos.
    tcrideshd likes this.
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  8. #47
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cudarunner View Post
    I do hope that you will find a local member who has a lot of experience because hands on learning is Invaluable! I learned more in the few hours that I was priviledged to spend at a Meet (a get together of fellow straight razor users hosted by Glen (GSSIXGUN) a Senior Mod and a restoration and honing Wizard) than I had in Months of Reading and Watching Videos.
    I'll second that statement. Meetups are awesome !
    cudarunner likes this.
    Come along inside,We'll see if tea and buns can make the world a betterplace.~TheWind in the Willow~

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