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Thread: Face hurts when shaving with straight razor.

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    You said it came fully honed. Was that factory shave ready or professionally hand honed by a pro. If just factory you will need to send it for honing. Stropping could be the problem but your first shave if properly honed should have been ok as it would have been truly shave ready unless you stropped it first.
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  2. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    If the razor was honed properly, a good stropping may revive the edge.

    Strop on linen and leather at least 100 laps on each. If not a pasted strop should bring the edge back.

    Strop keeping the spine on the strop the whole time. Stop forward movement before flipping. One second of inattention lifting the spine will damage the edge.

    This is common with new stroppers. Take you time, and master the stropping skill it is how you will maintain your edge.
    Check the edge with magnification.

  3. #13
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    Are you cold or hot shaver? (hot water also softens the skin and for some can be a problem)
    Review your strop technique. (I already ruined the edge of my razors a few times because of wrong technique)
    Do you stretch your skin enough?
    Last edited by cariocarj01; 10-24-2014 at 04:07 PM.
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  4. #14
    Senior Member williamc's Avatar
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    I'm a fellow northerner originally from Newcastle. If you follow the advise given by the lads and still don't have any joy. I'll hone it for you if you like you just sort out postage. Us Uk lot need to help each other, we don't have the meets that they have elsewhere. Message if your stuck
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  5. #15
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    There you go G, eliminate the razor as a source of your problem, though I suspect it is your problem. Jump on that offer.

    Then learn to strop.

    Don’t know what your experience is but looking at your post, you seem to have had a problem shaving for some time.

    If so begin with a properly honed razor, and learn to shave and maintain it.

    Good Luck
    tcrideshd likes this.

  6. #16
    Senior Member MajorEthanolic's Avatar
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    I used to get a lot of irritation with soaps. I switched to Truefitt cream with a few drops of glycerin and have had great results since. I also switched from a bowl to a scuttle so that the lather stays warm.
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  7. #17
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Euclid440 View Post
    There you go G, eliminate the razor as a source of your problem, though I suspect it is your problem. Jump on that offer.

    Then learn to strop.

    Don’t know what your experience is but looking at your post, you seem to have had a problem shaving for some time.

    If so begin with a properly honed razor, and learn to shave and maintain it.

    Good Luck

    Better advise has not been given ,,tc
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  9. #18
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Well, your face certainly shouldn't HURT, but after shaving with a straight razor for the first few times it will feel raw. Full hollow razors are very vocal about cutting hairs; with my Burrell Top Flight I can almost hear each hair being cut; the sound has been likened to buttering hot toast. This is normal (and some would say it's a desirable attribute) for some razors. I actually like the audio feedback myself.

    No-one has yet mentioned the test many of us do to determine if a razor is shave ready when we are honing it; which is the shaving arm hair or leg hair test. I shave my leg hair, and if it cuts cleanly I then shave my face. However, it CAN still feel harsh, esp if I've honed only on a low grit (8k) rather than finishing on a higher grit (16k) and stropping the edge.

    I suspect two problems; a razor that is not truly shave ready and too much pressure. I dull razor will CAUSE the user to use too much pressure.

    The advice about cream is also good. Eliminate the lather as being an issue by using a top quality cream (not soap). I've lately found Taylor of Old Bond street rose cream to be extremely easy to lather; but there are others that are just as good, Trufitt and Hill, Tabac, The Body Shop.

    You NEED to start straight razor shaving with a truly shave ready razor, otherwise all sorts or errors will occur from an early stage, and, quite frankly, shaving with a dull razor can result in injury.

    I feel you have two options, depending on funds:

    1. Send the razor out to be honed by a professional. You can find them on this forum. Do not strop the razor before shaving when you get it back. Compare the edge on the honed razor with what it was before.

    2. Buy another professionally honed razor. Again, do not strop it before you shave with it. Now you have two razors. You can compare the edges easier. Buy a finishing hone (16k) or both a finishing hone and a Norton 4/8. Learn to use the hones and bring the old razor up to the standard of the new razor. It MAY only need a few laps on a hone such as a Shapton 16k, but may need more work (4/8). Learning to hone one's own razors is, in my opinion, something we should all do.

    You can get a lot of help with honing from here. Hook up with one mentor via PMs (to save getting TOO much information and possibly contracting opinions (there's more than one right method). I'd say, with dedication, you can be honing your own razor within a month (assuming a good razor to start with).

    Hope this helps.

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