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Thread: Cold water Shaving

  1. #11
    Senior Member Chinaski's Avatar
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    I tried both and I got good results from cold and warm water prep. My skin is easily irritated and cold water shaving eliminates some of the irritation problems for me. On the other hand, hot water in a cold morning can be rally important if you know what I mean?

  2. #12
    Senior Member MattCB's Avatar
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    I have moved away from the hot water aspects but have only gone so far as tepid/warm water for my shave and cold water rinse at the end. I firmly believe that the key is actually using water ("wet shaving"). After that is comes down to far too many variables to accurately measure and predict until you actually give it a shot.
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  3. #13
    Make ready the heat. henryconchile's Avatar
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    I also noticed better results when I switched to cold water shaving a while back. Although, I miss that hot water shave, so I've slowly been adding a bit of hot water to the cold to get room temp water. It's been working so far.
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  4. #14
    Senior Member GrimClippers's Avatar
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    I get a closer shave from warm water, but a much more comfortable shave with cold water. Good luck.

  5. #15
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    I get the chills just reading this thread. It seems like a good way to have a comfortable shave in the middle of the summer.

  6. #16
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    I've been a dedicated cold water shaver, and recently I've been adding some Proraso pre-shave cream to my beard. I'm finding that properly hydrating my beard, even with this little bit of extra prep, has been making a significant difference in terms of closeness, comfort and a much smoother shave.

    But that's the great thing about this, you can always experiment and find out what you like. Funny, had a jar of the Proraso Green Tea and Oat lying around for a year, used it at the beginning then stopped, now I'm liking it...a lot.
    MJC likes this.

  7. #17
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    I am probably the most vocal of current advocates for cold water shaving. Based on the many responses I've been reading over the last year, ranging from COLD! COLD! COLD! Give me more cold, to Horrors upon horrors there is no such thing as a good cold water shave, it's not the convention, and all the inbetween responses, I feel the need to state the following:

    If at any time you are having difficulties of any kind, especially in the irritation and reaction to product areas and you are committed to the hot lather/hot water contingent, consider the following. Reduce the heat of water you are using by 15 degrees. Did it alleviate any problems you were having? No? Reduce an additional 15 degrees, check results. Continue reducing by 15 degrees as necessary to achieve a comfortable, for you, shave. Hot, lukewarm, tepid, cold or icy, find your specific level and rejoice, you have found your personal nirvana of shaving comfort. Like in life, we are all different and viva that.
    MJC, Lolita1x2 and Nickayl like this.
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  8. #18
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razorfeld View Post
    I am probably the most vocal of current advocates for cold water shaving. Based on the many responses I've been reading over the last year, ranging from COLD! COLD! COLD! Give me more cold, to Horrors upon horrors there is no such thing as a good cold water shave, it's not the convention, and all the inbetween responses, I feel the need to state the following:

    If at any time you are having difficulties of any kind, especially in the irritation and reaction to product areas and you are committed to the hot lather/hot water contingent, consider the following. Reduce the heat of water you are using by 15 degrees. Did it alleviate any problems you were having? No? Reduce an additional 15 degrees, check results. Continue reducing by 15 degrees as necessary to achieve a comfortable, for you, shave. Hot, lukewarm, tepid, cold or icy, find your specific level and rejoice, you have found your personal nirvana of shaving comfort. Like in life, we are all different and viva that.
    Agreed - that's essentially what I do, with the recent addition of taking a small dab of the Proraso pre-shave cream on the palm of my hands that are wet with cold water, rub the palms together, and rub into my face...been enjoying this addition lately...but yes...cold, cold, cold!!

  9. #19
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    Phrank, you being a Canadian and living in the cooler climes of the earth I suggest we change your screen name to PolarBearExtrodinaire to honor your love of Cold! Cold! Cold!
    Lolita1x2 and Nickayl like this.
    "The sharpening stones from time to time provide officers with gasoline."

  10. #20
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I know a dude who fills the jacket in his scuttle with shaved ice to keep the water ice cold. He swears by it especially in the Summer.
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