@HardCase, yes others are mentioning concerns about the Norton flattening stone. I'll look into the DMT or iWood. I definitely want to give the honing a go, but am taking my time to get the needed items, read up on it, and form an approach. It sounds like I could use Cr-ox on a strop, and then, if not adequate, go to a 12K. I'll be sending in my Dovo for honing, as I have a coupon for that.

My current thoughts are to try to take the two blades I have, and keep their edge up (stropping as first line, then maybe pasted stropping, and then finishing stone as a further level when the edge is not as desired). IOW, trying to deal with minor things for starters. I'm thinking of getting a third blade, and I'm thinking maybe I can start honing on whichever of the three are in worse shape (sharpness wise).

I'm thinking, for now, it's best to avoid blades that have additional challenges (not straight, warped, severe dings, etc), and maybe just try to get simple maintenance down. Then, work towards bevel-settings and more on the honing aspects as I go along, and my experience improves.

That's where my head seems to be at right now...granted, additional reading and input may change that !