Quote Originally Posted by RedGladiator View Post
You initially wanted to reduce costs to see if you like SR shaving before committing?

Beginners have no business honing IMO. It doesn't seem like you know what "shave ready" is, or experienced it. After your first pro honing to set the bevel then you can attempt honing after that. Just my opinion, good luck.

Check classifeid for a honemiester.

yeah exactly i dont want to spend few 100euros on something i will use once and put in a drawer it would be nice to just try and from there i can decide if i want to get into it as a hobby too bad i don't personally know anyone who uses straight razor

as far as honing i watched some video's does not seem too hard i have bunch of sharp knifes that shave but they are not "razor sharp" because my stone will only get me to a certain point... and buying a smooth grit stone would not be too bad because i could also use it on my knifes if i don't get into razors