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Thread: One ATG pass only?

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth OCDshaver's Avatar
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    If I shaved the day before, I can go right to an ATG pass. However, I normally get a close shave to the point that I really only shave a couple times a week.

  2. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth Steel's Avatar
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    With a DE or cartridge razor I understand the concept of beard reduction since without it you may clog the razor and pull hair but with a straight I will often do a ATG pass right off. With a good sharp razor and good technique I haven't had any problems or draw backs. I wouldn't recommend this to a beginner though. I think it is easier to have problems with ATG right away if your technique isn't up to par but as an advanced technique, again, I haven't had any problems. Some will do a 1 multi directional pass but I think just starting out I would say take your time.
    What a curse be a dull razor; what a prideful comfort a sharp one

  3. #13
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    Thanks for the further opinions everyone! For reference I'm using a Parker shavette + Shark blades. Fully aware that this may not work for everyone, but I've been continuing to test purely ATG for the last couple of days:

    * Sideburns/jawline: Just as smooth as multiple passes, but no irritation at all. No difference in time needed between shaves either.
    * Chin: The parts that get done easily (centre of chin) are great but the corners of my chin need a touch-up pass. Think Ernie1980 is right with the extra passes catching stray hairs, two passes doubles the chances of the hard-to-reach hairs at least getting a trim. With that said, I'm happy to say that a full ATG pass then a touch-up gives no irritation if I stretch my skin properly, while there's a bit with two passes.
    * Upper lip: Tried this once more, but won't be doing it again. Back to two passes for sure!

  4. #14
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    My advise would be this. Even though you have a light beard, just do a regular 3 pass shave. Enjoy the shave time and collect your thoughts, listen to music or whatever to relax. The shave time should be relaxed and savored and enjoyed.

    There is my free advise.....they say that free advise sometimes coast thousands.

  5. #15
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    I have a light beard but still shave daily. I can get buy with the single pass if I am pressed for time without issue and still get a great shave. That said, my routine is a 3 pass shave. Selfish I know since it's for no other reason then I enjoy it
    BobH likes this.

  6. #16
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    Truer words could not be said..enjoying the shave.

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