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  1. #1
    Senior Member Creel's Avatar
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    Default Burning the boats

    Myth has it that Cortes burned his boats in order to commit his forces to the new world, and while I have heard that some straight razor fanatics have tossed their back up razors to commit to str8’s; I always thought the tactic a bit rash.

    However the strategy is not without merit, especially when it comes to newbie shaving. If you’re cleaning up with your non-str8 tool, you may be missing out on reinforcing proper technique.

    After all if you have a rough patch teasing you through the day you are going to be pretty thorough with that area next shave.

    Lets face it most of us newbs have probably postured our efforts enough that we could get away with a few days of not even close to baby but shaves to re evaluate our efforts with a critical eye.

    I don't recommend burning your boats and in fact Cortes never did, just maybe ease off the clean up tool and direct some thought to your next attack.

  2. #2
    Lover of the Boar Big_E's Avatar
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    I stashed my DE razor away in my travel bags which are stored in my closet. This gives me an incentive to improve my technique. I did trash the canned shaving foam right away to make room for my soaps and mug.

  3. #3
    Harry the Penmaker
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    My progression was ditching the cans, and then the razor. I was shaving solely with a str8 for months (from the very beginning) before I ditched the Mock III. I ended up giving it to a girl my first week of college because "Boys' razors are better than girls'". I wasn't allowed to throw it away, my grandmother would always pull it out of the trash or ask where it went. If I had gotten rid of it, she went and bought another one.

    But I see no problem with an immediate, full, and never looking back switch to str8s for anyone who is serious about the switch.

  4. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Hey guys your not on drugs and need to go cold turkey. Learning to use a straight is a progression and though some pick it up rapidly most of us start slowly doing just the sides of the face until we master manipulating the razor and while we slowly progress from one area of the face to the next and from one technique to the other we usually use a DE or some other razor to finish the job.

    I think throwing away your DE's and such just makes learning more difficult. You can't force yourself to learn faster. It just takes time. Maybe after 6 months or so you can go ahead and trash em. Personally I have a couple DE's and when I'm in a hurry or sometimes for a change of pace I'll use a DE.
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  5. #5
    JMS is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    Hey guys your not on drugs and need to go cold turkey.
    When it comes to straights and all related paraphenalia I suspect you are wrong!

  6. #6
    Harry the Penmaker
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    I was young when I learned, self-taught, with the help of SRP-Yahoo. I switched fully and immediately. I never had a DE, although if I had, I might not have run so far so fast. Just my experience that a full switch can be beneficial.

  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    When it comes to straights and all related paraphenalia I suspect you are wrong!

    Back to topic - I also went all in (and got a bunch of cuts). It was exciting, and I have never used a DE on my face thereafter. No cans to get rid off, I was already using a adger brush and soaps / creams


  8. #8
    JMS is offline
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    I am glad to see you are catching on to my humor!

    I went straight in to straights feet first, but through the years I went back and forth (6 months straight, 6 month gillette track II) and then one day I decided to never shave with anything but a straight razor.

  9. #9
    Senior Member freebird's Avatar
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    When I started out I also had the DE for backup. I've lost count of straight shaves now, somewhere around 6 or 7 I think (no too long), but have "lost" the de. Of course my learning curve isn't too bad since I don't shave my chin or 'stache lol. I did get my first bbs shaves this morning with a couple of "new" acquisitions tho. One being a Wapenica and the other a Genco.

  10. #10
    Carpe Jugulum custommartini's Avatar
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    Burning the boat!!! When I started I was on a shavette loaded with Dorco DEs and after I decided to shave with a straight, I threw away (gave away) my Mach 3. That's just how I am though. I know that for me, trial by fire is often the best way. I didn't get the closest shaves at first (had nothing to touch up with and was afraid of DEs for a bit (silly huh?).
    In retrospect, I'm glad I torched that dodgy boat.

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