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Thread: old razor question

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    The one on top could be made by Genco or Shumate. I have the Genco Safege & it has a guard. I have a Torrey Little Guard which is like those also but it doesn't have a thumb notch like yours. The bottom one must be the Sheffield one because it has Sheffield written all over it as far as looks. Nice scores there & heirlooms on top of that. I would say all three are great shavers.
    Welcome aboard.

  2. #12
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    I believe that there is still work going on behind the scenes. With that said, here's two well known honers.

    GSSIXGUN (Glen)

    Maximilian (Max)

    Both have email links/I'd probably send via the email instead of PM so as to keep STP stuff separate from personal inquiries.

    Both do wonderful work

    My apologies to those who I've missed that offer honing services. :
    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

    Kim X

  3. #13
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    Thanks for information and suggestions. I had already decided that I am going to have them done professionally. Grandpa died in 1951 so has been a long time since they were used. My dad thought about it when he was @ 14 but decided not to. They set in a box with a bunch of knives and horse shoe nails that he made during WWI. I was lucky they have been kept inside in a safe place all this time. I did a little cleaning on them but not a lot. I have the original strop but it is a little cracked along the edges so have a new one on the way will oil the old one and keep it around already put a hook in the bathroom for it.
    32t, Grazor, eddy79 and 5 others like this.

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