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Thread: Improving

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  1. #1
    Senior Member MedicineMan's Avatar
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    You should find weekly meetings in your area that will help you cope with the "acquisition disorders", or you can just play like the first night in prison and go with it.
    BobH, Addison, Dieseld and 2 others like this.
    Keep it safe and Cheers,

  2. #2
    Senior Member sudoaptget's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MedicineMan View Post
    You should find weekly meetings in your area that will help you cope with the "acquisition disorders", or you can just play like the first night in prison and go with it.

    only if they offer a "Stropping Dysfunction" rehab as well...

  3. #3
    Senior Member Pete123's Avatar
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    I feel you bro......I'm the same way

  4. #4
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    As with many folks here, I love collecting razors, hones, strops, soaps, aftershaves, etc. However, if you give in to all of these acquisition disorders at the same time, you will soon find your spouse, girlfriend or significant other leaving you or at least making your life miserable, and the creditors foreclosing on your home, repossessing your car, etc. Thus, I make it a rule only to feed only one such disorder at a time.

    Of course, in the spirit of full disclosure, I have been known to feed multiple disorders with only a brief respite between them.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member sudoaptget's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RayClem View Post
    As with many folks here, I love collecting razors, hones, strops, soaps, aftershaves, etc. However, if you give in to all of these acquisition disorders at the same time, you will soon find your spouse, girlfriend or significant other leaving you or at least making your life miserable, and the creditors foreclosing on your home, repossessing your car, etc. Thus, I make it a rule only to feed only one such disorder at a time.

    Of course, in the spirit of full disclosure, I have been known to feed multiple disorders with only a brief respite between them.
    went through 2 wives so far, picked the right one this time as she has 'gottabuydatpurseitis' and now we compare her purses & my shave gear. Yeah, we are quite the dysfunctional pair. In a good way, though.

  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    The chin is tough, I think a lot of folks feel, they should shave with the whole blade, all the time.

    Shave with only, 1 inch of blade at a time.

    I too shave my chin with the heel, I shave down to the point of the chin with very little change to my angle. Then Across the grain at the apex of the chin, and then a downward stroke from the apex to the neck. Pretty much short strokes like Jer said.

    I shave mostly with the toe and heel and really, only use the center of the blade for my cheeks.

    A 3 pass, 2 WTG, 1 ATG and a water cleanup, gets me out the door, in 15 minutes, from start to finish. You don’t have to get it all in one pass.

    And more than likely, your edge could always be keener, especially when starting out and learning to strop. Proper stropping can take a year to master, the good thing is, your stropping, edges and shaves will get better.
    sudoaptget likes this.

  7. #7
    Senior Member MedicineMan's Avatar
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    Not sure what advice you've received about the chin, but I found that short strokes with the heel really helped me around the heel as I was starting out.
    Euclid440 and sudoaptget like this.
    Keep it safe and Cheers,

  8. #8
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    I've been keeping my A.D. in the Razor area lately. But it dont take much for me to slip down that slope and start buying software again. Got to stay strong!!!
    Good luck on the chin. I have a chin beard so I dont worry about it.
    sudoaptget likes this.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

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