For a razor I'd start right here at SRP and the Buy/Sell/Trade forum. I bought my first razor from the old Classified section and couldn't be happier with my purchase as it came shave ready and I knew that I could find the seller again if needed. The gentlemen here are generally doing their best to welcome new members to the hobby and several sellers routinely post razors and/or kits that are a great deals for the new shaver (and even for those of us dealing with RAD). does indeed offer complete brushes but you purchase the knot and handle separately and ask Larry to epoxy the former into the later. I have bought one brush from the site but cannot personally vouch for any other product sold there.

My best advice is to take a big breath before diving in. I know that once you've decided that you want to give straight razors a try it can be very difficult holding back. The fact is that one of the best decisions I made was to wait a few months before purchasing my first kit and putting steel to skin. To be fair, my wait wasn't entirely voluntary but I used it to my advantage as it gave me a chance to learn as much as I could from the fine gentlemen here at SRP. I fully believe that this opportunity to read and learn went a long way to making my early experiences extremely positive.