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Thread: Honing and stropping decision on a tight budget

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    So from my perspective the most important aspect of this is about getting the best shave possible. I would also like to point out that you are already stropping on denim and raw leather, and that is what you will get from a strop. If disposable income is short in supply, don't duplicate anything. Make sure your hones are flat. My mother always said necessity is the mother of invention. As long as no razors get harmed in the process it's all good.
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  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kees View Post
    OK guys, I am going to walk on thin ice giving an opinion that goes against the ones above by respected senior members. I would buy an 8K or barber hone first. First a question: what is a 14000 strop? Does it have a 14K paste on it? Bench strop or hanging strop?
    First, I think the jump up the grit ladder from 4 K to 14K is too high. I don't think that even the best quality leather strop can produce a shave-ready edge on a razor that came off a 4K. Not even after 1000 roundtrips. 2nd: you don't really need a leather strop IMHO (yes, I know, this is blasphemy to many members). For a long time I have shaved as an experiment using a linen strop only. Went really well.
    So I would recommend an 8K first.

    My 2 cts, YMMV.
    Great points. I was wondering the same thing and I was also on the verge of saying he needs an 8K hone next since he was already using a felt, denim and raw leather belt. Maybe one of the others can expand on why they responded differently as I would really like to know. Maybe I can learn something.


  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth markbignosekelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mglindo View Post
    Great points. I was wondering the same thing and I was also on the verge of saying he needs an 8K hone next since he was already using a felt, denim and raw leather belt. Maybe one of the others can expand on why they responded differently as I would really like to know. Maybe I can learn something.

    From my perspective I believe although denim and a 1.5" leather strop will work why make life difficult when learning to strop. Rolling the edge on the 1.5" leather is a high possibility. A good leather strop does not have to cost much either. Coupled with a barber hone and your good to go indefinitely.
    Last edited by markbignosekelly; 09-22-2017 at 03:41 PM.
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  4. #14
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by markbignosekelly View Post
    Rolling the edge on the 1.5" leather is a high possibility. A good leather strop does not have to cost much either.
    So why get a leather strop if you hazard rolling the edge?
    Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr.

  5. #15
    Senior Member Brontosaurus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kees View Post
    OK guys, I am going to walk on thin ice giving an opinion that goes against the ones above by respected senior members. I would buy an 8K or barber hone first. First a question: what is a 14000 strop? Does it have a 14K paste on it? Bench strop or hanging strop?
    First, I think the jump up the grit ladder from 4 K to 14K is too high. I don't think that even the best quality leather strop can produce a shave-ready edge on a razor that came off a 4K. Not even after 1000 roundtrips. 2nd: you don't really need a leather strop IMHO (yes, I know, this is blasphemy to many members). For a long time I have shaved as an experiment using a linen strop only. Went really well.
    So I would recommend an 8K first.

    My 2 cts, YMMV.
    This is an interesting post. If the "14000" strop dropped out of the equation, then I was thinking that the Shapton 4k would be too big of a jump to the 1-1/2" wide leather belt, the latter of which, from the tone of the OP, seems to be working. Recently, I heard a "honemeister" razor restorer say that Shapton 4k to Shapton 8k was his bread and butter; so yeah, it wouldn't hurt to have one of these for razors, if one has the 4k already. Perhaps the "14000" strop is serving the same function in the short run.

    If the OP is comfortable with a 1-1/2" belt for stropping, and familiar with the Shapton 4k, then I would be inclined to add that maybe an Shapton 8k would be the way to go. For stropping, especially if the OP is familiar with felt and denim, he could pick up some vegetable-tanned leather belting from McMaster-Carr and experiment with this as to stropping to the finish in the short-term. Sanded to 180x, vegetable-tanned leather can also be pasted as needed. Works better on a paddle or on the bench than hanging from my experience as it is a bit stretchy when pulled taut from a hook.
    Last edited by Brontosaurus; 09-22-2017 at 07:48 PM.
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  6. #16
    Senior Member blabbermouth markbignosekelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kees View Post
    So why get a leather strop if you hazard rolling the edge?
    Sorry I should have said get a 2.5 - 3" leather strop.
    The chances of Jeff rolling a straight edge with his existing 1.5" strop is higher than if he was to get a wider one.
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  7. #17
    Senior Member ZipZop's Avatar
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    Lots of good advice by the sage members here, as usual. My 2 cents worth;

    An 8k certainly would not hurt you going into your collection of stones. Neither would a 10k Naniwa, but that's putting the cart before the wallet.

    I spent decades and I mean multiple decades with nothing more than a decent strop and a barber hone. Once your bevel is set and you have a good blade to shave with, a decent barber hone with a decent strop is all you really need. I sent out my new and found blades to honemeisters for many decades for bevel setting and first hone. Then I'd keep them up-to-snuff with my barber hone and a strop. I was busy building my company and didn't want to mess with the joy of honing. Finally decided to start setting my own bevels and bought a complete set of stones (and I love it), but that's not a mandatory purchase.

    You can get a very decent strop (like a hand made Parker Red Latigo) for around $69 delivered via Amazon Prime. I have this same strop and it rivals my more $$ strops in quality. In fact, I like it so much that I use it 90 percent of the time. Can't beat the price VS quality. Lots of other options available too including offerings by SRP. But for the sake of saving money, if you are getting by with your current leather belt strop, then you are good. Having a 3" wide is a nice convenience IMO, although not necessary.

    So I suppose if I were happy with my current strop and base stones, I would look for an 8k stone and call it good.

    Have fun!

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  8. #18
    Senior Member Andy77's Avatar
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    I may just lose any SRP cred I may have by suggesting this, but If you want a budget entreé into honing, use lapping film! $30 for a full setup. Considering your current equipment, I'd use this progression:

    1k Naniwa
    4K Shapton
    5 micron film
    3microm film
    1 micron film.
    Strop on leather.

    You could even skip the 5 micron film and be fine.

  9. #19
    Senior Member rodb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andy77 View Post
    I may just lose any SRP cred I may have by suggesting this, but If you want a budget entreé into honing, use lapping film! $30 for a full setup. Considering your current equipment, I'd use this progression:

    1k Naniwa
    4K Shapton
    5 micron film
    3microm film
    1 micron film.
    Strop on leather.

    You could even skip the 5 micron film and be fine.
    When I first joined the forum in 2008, film was a very viable alternative as was 1k automotive wet/dry sandpaper
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  10. #20
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    Sounds like we are having a shaveaholic in the bud in our midst.
    Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr.

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