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Thread: Hi guys, first time poster here

  1. #21
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome aboard. Synthetic hones are fine and what the majority use. Might pay to watch some YouTube vids by Gssixgun or Lynn Abrams for a idea about honing before jumping in.
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  2. #22
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    Oh, I just like to learn how to maintenance stuffs before I buy it, most likely all I might need is to buy a leather strop.

  3. #23
    Senior Member blabbermouth Speedster's Avatar
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    Check out NOS (New Old Stock; unused vintage blade) Friodur straight razors on EBay. There are several in your price range.

  4. #24
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GreenWall View Post
    I want to get into straight razor but I'm kinda scare, any tips? And what brand make good stainless steel razor since I'm not a fan of carbon.

    Edit: Sorry for not telling you guys my background. I'm a former sushi chef of 5 years and not new to sharpening , I can make an edge razor sharp but never sharpen a razor edge lol.
    I'm sure that all of that raw flesh that you handled in your previous trade wouldn't have been of any concern if you'd have cut yourself while preparing it.

    I know it didn't bother me while I was a meat cutter. hehehe and that was back in the days before cut 'resistant' gloves.

    Quote Originally Posted by GreenWall View Post
    I want to avoid it for clean/sanitize reason and I wouldn't feel comfortable with a vintage edge if I ever accidentally nick myself.
    If you are concerned about 'cleanliness and sanitation' from used razors here's a link to a well known product that will deal with your concerns:
    Speedster, Grazor and Dieseld like this.
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  5. #25
    Truth is weirder than any fiction.. Grazor's Avatar
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    Has been discussed before, you can't get infected by anything from a razor that hasn't been used in the last 48 hours.
    Like cudarunner has said, they are easily sanitised with barbicide or pure alcohol. Many here prefer vintage razors, almost all of them are carbon steel. The reason being on average they are better, and cheaper. If you really want a new razor, Ralf Aust are top quality. They are carbon steel, but with proper maintenance will serve you well.
    Don't be scared but do respect the razor. Also, razor sharp is a different level than knife sharp. Hope this helps.
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  6. #26
    Senior Member YoWan's Avatar
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    Hello and welcome to the forum
    Quote Originally Posted by GreenWall View Post
    I want to avoid it for clean/sanitize reason and I wouldn't feel comfortable with a vintage edge if I ever accidentally nick myself.
    As you look at the video from Dovo factory straight production, you will never see a sanitization step in the process. After the sharpening on rotary tbles, thes straights are wrapped in paper, then set in individual boxes that are sealed.
    When you go to the restaurant, do you ask for surgical sanitized fork and knife ? If ther are germs, you will eat them.
    The second hand straights sold by members are fore sure cleaner than any brand new one coming from the factory.
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  7. #27
    Giveaway Guy Dieseld's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP!!!!

    You've been given some great advise, follow it, We're here to help you out.
    Yes, you'll need a strop for sure. Once you get good at stropping, your razor should hold a fine edge for some time.
    As to hones, all you need to start is a Naniwa 12k. Just to touch it up when it gets dulled down.
    It's uauslly best to get 2 razors. You'll mess one up for sure when you're just starting out. We ALL did.

    Check out the LIBRARY there's a ton of great info in there

    Most of all, enjoy and have fun!!!!
    Look sharp and smell nice for the ladies.~~~Benz
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  8. #28
    Member Compa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GreenWall View Post
    I want to get into straight razor but I'm kinda scare, any tips? And what brand make good stainless steel razor since I'm not a fan of carbon.

    Edit: Sorry for not telling you guys my background. I'm a former sushi chef of 5 years and not new to sharpening , I can make an edge razor sharp but never sharpen a razor edge lol.
    Welcome to the forums!
    First advise: Do not give up! Your first shave might be (or not) hellish... but don't give up!
    Second: If you buy a razor from a forum member (I would advise it) and they say it's shave ready then it is, do not strop it! You might unintentionally dull the blade (as I did with my first razor) and will never know for sure how a shave ready razor feels like.
    Third: Try to contact forum members from your region. I can't stress this enough! Nothing like having first hand information, advises and "samples" (how lather should be, how a razor should feel, things like that)

    That said, don't feel scared. It's not that hard to cut your face while shaving but, at the same time, it's hard... basically chances are you will cut yourself if:
    - Do horizontal movements with your razor (parallel to the edge... Yes it's dumb and it has happened to me)
    - Move your razor and your skin at the same time (Maybe you're talking while shaving, that's for experts only)
    - You underestimate the razor's tip (I've cut my nostril's edge and my earlobe because of this)
    - Overall: if you're careless

    Good luck and, again, welcome!

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