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Thread: leaving scars nicking yourself?

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    Maybe your stretching isn't up to par, low angles and tight skin, is the remedy for cuts while shaving. As to scars, 18 years old or 70 , men get scars it's part of living. Your too damn vain if this is bothering you. Tc
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  2. #12
    Senior Member alex1921's Avatar
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    Scar consists of a different type of tissue than your regular skin. Some people react, create, more visible scars with the extreme being keloid in people of African descent.
    Antibiotics etc wont affect scar formation unless we are dealing with an infected wound. The reason for that is that antibiotics are just that, they kill bacteria but they play no role in scar formation or tissue healing.
    The best you can do if the cut is long/wide is to use a steristrip to attach the edges as close as possible. That will allow the cut to heal with a very thin scar and not as visible.

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  4. #13
    Senior Member TristanLudlow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alex1921 View Post
    The best you can do if the cut is long/wide is to use a steristrip to attach the edges as close as possible. That will allow the cut to heal with a very thin scar and not as visible.
    Ah yes, my plastic surgeon also had me use steristrips
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  5. #14
    Mental Support Squad Pithor's Avatar
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    I had my first serious cut in almost eight years of straight shaving early this summer. Long story short: I had had two alcoholic drinks, but figured I was still good to shave. I wasn't. Two seconds of not paying attention gave me a nice cut next to the corner of my mouth.

    Lots of tissue paper, pressure and super glue later, it's a minor scar, partially covered by my moustache. I kept stretching the skin around it regularly for weeks to prevent it from healing too fast; a thing I remember they advised my brother to do when he had third degree burns on his hand. The slower a wound heals, the less it scars.

    Tl;dr: Remember to stretch. Don't drink and shave. Or eat something first, at least
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  6. #15
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    Good advise, super glue works a treat, my guys love it, cause without it I get out my fishing line and needle and apply their stitches. Tc
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  7. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by tcrideshd View Post
    As to scars, 18 years old or 70 , men get scars it's part of living. Your too damn vain if this is bothering you. Tc
    Its not like im sitting here frantically worrying about my scars and putting cover-up make-up on. I just want to know the best approach to avoiding a scar during the process. If i am already stopping the bleeding and can do one more step to limit the scar, its absurd not to do it just because of the notion of people getting scars is natural.

    thanks for the name of steristrips. I didnt even know about them. Never been in surgery before. Ill have to go buy some later for when i slash myself again.

  8. #17
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    A few recommendations for you:

    Stretch the skin and shave with short and LIGHT strokes. It's a whisker removal program, re-lather and go for another pass if the shave isn't quite there.

    Check yourself. I've been honing for quite a while and just to check myself I did a razor swap with a gentleman who I figured was a good honer. His edges were good as were mine that he tried. Don't trade with someone who will blow smoke up your tail, trade out with someone who will shoot you "straight".

    Slow down. If you are in a hurry, go to the double edge. I've learned my lessons on trying to rush a straight shave, you can't.

    Soaps and Creams: Cushion and slipperiness are key...that razor must slide over the skin. Use a quality shave soap/cream

    A trick I learned WAY back. Go to a pet store and find a "nick" powder. It's usually by the clippers. If alum won't stop a bleeder, this is where it's at. Mine is called "Quick Blood Stopper". I think it's just powdered styptic.

    Best of luck to you, man up, own it! If all you experience is smooth sailing, how can you appreciate the calm after the storm?
    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

  9. #18
    Senior Member celticcrusader's Avatar
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    Like TC said, Super glue works a treat clean and dry the area make sure you don't glue your hands to your face seriously, only last week my Dog cut his pad on some glass I used Superglue to close it.
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  10. #19
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    Mom always made butterfly bandages fir all my nasty cuts. As good as stitches IMO. PLENT O SCARS...Lve um all. Great story tellers.!
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  11. #20
    MrZ is offline
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    My son asked me what was the best way to get a really cool facial scar because chicks dig em. I told him he was a moron and to go away. The good news is that he is still pretty scared of the straight razors.
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