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Thread: leaving scars nicking yourself?

  1. #21
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    He wants facial scars, go to biker bars and act like your tough. Problem solved. Tc
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  2. #22
    Senior Member blabbermouth markbignosekelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tcrideshd View Post
    Good advise, super glue works a treat, my guys love it, cause without it I get out my fishing line and needle and apply their stitches. Tc
    Quote Originally Posted by celticcrusader View Post
    Like TC said, Super glue works a treat clean and dry the area make sure you don't glue your hands to your face seriously, only last week my Dog cut his pad on some glass I used Superglue to close it.
    Yup, super glue was discovered by accident as a alternative to stitches on cuts and wounds in WW1 and WW2.
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  3. #23
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    Hardest part is closing a laceration without glueing your "pinching" fingers. I keep fresh CA in my first aid kit in the shop. Reminds me, I need to rotate it out.
    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

  4. #24
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    Got to remember to get the quick set glue too, One day I got the wrong tube, had to hold on to that cut for 15 minutes. Tc
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  5. #25
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    so here is the issue regarding this. After a few days i found out that i just didnt make a clean slice in a straight line by accidentally hitting the scab and breaking it off. It started bleeding like a son of a bitch again. I somehow cut an upside down U shape. It must of sliced in at an angle and cut the edges somehow. So after a few days the skin died and shriveled and fell off. Now its a wound a good 1/2 inch long by 3/16 thick. Its not thin by any means. There is no pinching it back together either because its basically a crater of missing skin. I guess at this point there is not really anything to even do to avoid a scar.

  6. #26
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    When you lather, take your finger and clear theclather from around nicks, scabs, and zits, to make them more obvious so you do not run them over while shaving. I cut off a scab/welt from a duct interaction. It was unpleasant as well. Looked bad until it healed. It just joined all the other scars on my face. None of them are big but they have company. It all started at about nine when I went through a freshly cleaned storm door window.
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  7. #27
    MrZ is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by RezDog View Post
    When you lather, take your finger and clear theclather from around nicks, scabs, and zits, to make them more obvious so you do not run them over while shaving. I cut off a scab/welt from a duct interaction. It was unpleasant as well. Looked bad until it healed. It just joined all the other scars on my face. None of them are big but they have company. It all started at about nine when I went through a freshly cleaned storm door window.
    I did the same thing as a kid. Ice cream man was coming down the back alley and I ran to catch him. Slipped on the step and missed the door handle. Head first right through the storm door. Babysitter panicked and gave me some aspirin and told me to go take a nap.
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  8. #28
    Senior Member blabbermouth whoever's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by metulburr View Post
    I dont usually nick myself. In fact i would say i do it about once every year or so. I have one scar already to the side of my mouth from nicking myself a couple years ago. I just nicked myself this morning on my chin pretty bad. Its going to leave a scar. It took me an hour to stop the bleeding with a styptic pencil. I knew that my razor needed honing and i tried to get one more extra shave out of it before doing so. That was a bad idea. Plus i was also rushing.

    So my remedy for next time is just to hone the razor and not attempt to get an extra shave out of it. I know that is the first line of defense.

    However that brings me to a major concern. Lets say 2 years from now i stupidly do it again and nick myself bad to the point of leaving another scar. Is there a way to stop the scars from occurring? I was thinking of a butterfly bandage, but the distance between the gap is not really that big. My usually remedy to fix a nasty nick is to go back and forth between something to mop up the blood and stab it with a styptic pencil a thousand times until it stops bleeding. But now i am wondering while this method stops the bleeding fast, maybe it is actually causing a larger gap than just sticking a band aid on it?

    I can tell you that i never nick myself when my razor is sharp. It seems like it is always when its not up to par.
    there is no way to guarantee that, but there are a few things you can do to minimize the risk of a scare:
    treat it fast to stop the bleeding, I suggest Yunnan Baiyao, it comes in a few different forms all can be broken down to powder , rub very little powder on the cut, apply a little pressure as you rub it around the cut, and the bleeding will stop , there should also be less pain, then every day rub the area to keep the blood flowing and that will aid in the healing process and lessen the chance of scarring.
    plan b - come up with a cool story to tell how you got the scare
    "If you want it, that's what you do best" - Woz
    "if you ain't bleedin', you ain't learnin'" -me
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  9. #29
    Senior Member Pete123's Avatar
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    Remember, chicks dig scars. haha

    The scar will probably go away, though it may take a while. Lanolin is always my go to for any nick or cut. Part of the magic of lanolin is that it hydrates skin much deeper than anything else.

  10. #30
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    So its been a couple weeks. It has healed and the scab has fallen off. However there is a divot in my chin now. Large enough to where i think the blade will sometimes dig into the scar and cut into it from the scar alone. Is this a usual occurrence or worry from people whom have large scars?

    I havent yet shaved since because i am worried about nicking it until i am sure it is 100% healed. Because i have nicked them again in the past. And it starts the whole process over again.

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