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Thread: Advice needed, getting back on the horse

  1. #1
    Junior Member oMniPotent's Avatar
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    Default Advice needed, getting back on the horse

    Hello all. It's been sometime since I made a post. Tried SR shaving for awhile and then kinda put it on the back burner. I always knew I would return eventually and I'm going to give it another go.

    Hoping to get some advice on a beginner stropping routine. I have a Tony Miller "plain chocolate" strop. I know everyone does a different amount of laps, so I'm just looking for a rough amount I should be doing on the leather and or cotton second component pre and/or post shave.

    Also let me know what you do differently for prep/routine coming from a safety razor to a straight razor. Wetter lather, stretch the skin, anything else? A shave ready blade is important I know, I have that covered.

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  2. #2
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    Check youtube for shave technique. That's probably the easiest. You will see stretching and real live lather. Stropping I typically do 20 after the shave and 80 or so before. There are guys on there that will show you how to strop as well. Good luck. Before 1904 is was the only way to shave so anyone can do it.
    oMniPotent likes this.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Welcome back. More important than the number of laps on a strop is that the stopping is done properly to avoid dulling the edge. That said I do 40 laps on English linen and 80-100 laps on leather pre shave. After drying off the razor when finished I do a further 10 or so laps on English linen to ensure the bevel and edge are dry.

    I do no prep regardless of using a DE, SE or straight razor as I found that it did not do me a lot of good so why bother. Try some different prep routines and see if any work for you as we are all different.

    I use the same type of lather and stretch my skin no matter what I shave with.

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  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    There is a lot of good advice in the various forum threads and in the Library - take a look.

    As far as stropping is concerned - everyone seems to have their own take on it. I do 10-20 on linen, then 20 on a strop with significant draw and 30 on a strop with a very light draw. Some folks strop on linen immediately after they clean the blade after shaving, I don’t.

    You should have at least two straights so that one can “rest” between shaves. There is some advice on the Dovo website that suggests the steel in the blade will recover between shaves if you give it a day or so to rest. I don’t know about that, but it is nice to vary the blades you use.

    Read what you can. Try it all and choose what seems to fit you and your razors best. Have fun and take your time.
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  5. #5
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    Preparation for a straight razor shave need not differ from a DE shave. However, if your DE prep is lacking, a straight razor may detect the shortcomings quicker than a mild DE might. However, if you use an aggressive DE, both need good preparation.

    Preparation also is dependent upon your beard and your face. I like a hot shower before I shave. Others like to shave with cold water. I like soaps with lots of cushion, especially with a straight. Others are satisfied as long as the soap has sufficient slickness, even if the cushion is not that great. I have sensitive skin and like a soap with great moisturizing and conditioning properties. Others might think some of my favorite soaps are too greasy. Some folks like to face lather, I tend to bowl lather. Some like boar, badger, horsehair or synthetic brushes best; I like all of them. It is personal preference. Experiment until you figure out what works best for you.

    My recommendation is to try to watch several shaving videos and the try to follow the recommendations of those whose skin type and beard type are similar to yours. I have blue eyes and a ruddy complexion, so I follow Jason Rudman of Ruds Shaves and Chris of Another Cut Above as their skin is a lot like mine. You might find others reviewers to be more suitable for your preferences.

  6. #6
    ~ Life is but a Dream ~ petercp4e's Avatar
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    Welcome back to SRP.

    Another 40 linen 80 leather guy.

    Enjoy your time here on the forum and have fun.

    Pete <:-}
    sharptonn and Haroldg48 like this.
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  7. #7
    Nemo me impune lacessit RobinK's Avatar
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    You will find all answers to your questions here:

    Bear in mind that you are dealing with steel vs leather. There is no "overstropping". There is just insufficient stropping. And no, "strop progressions" are not a thing.
    jfk742 and lightcs1776 like this.

  8. #8
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Before ia 30 linen and 100 leather. After 20 linen and 50 leather. But as was said the most important thing is to strop correctly. Its not the amount of stropping you do as long as you do some. Its doing it properly to clean and realign the edge. Just go slow and take your time.
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  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    good point Robin, there is improper stropping also. and the answers are truly in the library.
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  10. #10
    Nemo me impune lacessit RobinK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gasman View Post
    Just go slow and take your time.
    Actually, don't do that.

    Quote Originally Posted by tcrideshd View Post
    good point Robin, there is improper stropping also. and the answers are truly in the library.
    You have to thank Bart, Ben, Lee, and Tony for that. But, yes, they are. Almost always. That's why it was built.

    PS Whoever is in charge of the Wiki: Reinstall this extension. I just went through my contributions, and the score is broken. Sad!
    Last edited by RobinK; 01-20-2019 at 10:05 PM. Reason: Contributions bigly broken. Make scores great again!

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